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  1. Amiibro

    How is Wario Land 3 compared to the other games?

    I was wondering how WL 3 compared to the rest of the games in the series, and what you all liked and didn't like about it. Like a kind of short review. I'm asking because I want to try more Wario Land games, but also want to get an idea of how it sizes up with the rest. (I've only played WL 4...
  2. Amiibro

    Mario Maker level share

    This thread is so everybody that has Super Mario Maker can tell anybody else their level codes so they can get easy stars or just if you want to show off what you can do. I know it's possible to tell level codes on another thread or on your profile but I thought it would cool to have it's own...
  3. Amiibro

    Mobile Gaming

    Why is the mobile gaming in Japan so high? They get the goods since a lot of gaming companies are based there. But they still play Mobile... That's not so important though this thread can be used for whatever Mobile games you may or may not play. I don't usually like them, so I really only play...
  4. Amiibro

    What's popular around you?

    Since Nintendo hasn't been too nice to us with all the new announcements, we've been having to entertain ourselves with other things and we see all these new fads while we wait for our new Wario games. So I'm asking you, what's "hot" around where you live? From songs to clothing to toys. I swear...
  5. Amiibro

    Upcoming Game Are you going to get Splatoon?

    It looks pretty fun, I think I'm going get it, and if you don't have a Wii u would you get it? The game overall looks pretty good, it's good to see Nintendo getting a first (or second, i don't know which it is) party developer, shooter game, they have a fairly good amount of game genres, Mario...
  6. Amiibro

    What version of Ware songs do you like best?

    There's the original Mona's pizza song, the Super smash bros ver and the Japanese ver. The original Ashley's song, Super smash bros ver, Japanese ver and version 2 (japanese only). Original Mike's song, Super smash bros version, and Japanese version. Personally I like the Super smash bros...
  7. Amiibro

    Have you ever scored 100 or over?

    I think the name speaks for itself. Have you ever scored 100 points or over on any Ware game? It's quite the achievement in my opinion to keep up with the game with the microgames flying at you that fast and still manage to keep at least 1 life WHILE not dropping the controller from the...
  8. Amiibro

    What's your favorite boss battle?

    I have always loved battling bosses it is a very fun and challenging experience (until you've lost like 20 times, at which point it is the most frustrating thing ever) These boss battles are excellent for exp, bragging, or high blood pressure. And so i ask, what is your favorite boss battle from...
  9. Amiibro

    What's your favorite game genre?

    RPG, Party, Platformer, Shooter, Action, Maze, Ball and paddle, Fighting, Pinball, Adventure, Stealth, Survival horror, Tower defense, JRPG, Sandbox, Racing, Sports, Casual, Music, Art, And lots more..... Uhhh I would say mine would be, Platformer, Action and probably Fighting. There's more i'm...
  10. Amiibro

    Who is your favorite Nintendo charater that is not associated with Wario Land/Ware

    Ok, other than the obvious mine is Luigi from Super Mario bros. And my Mii ( that was a joke ) Well i can't think of any more but while i crack my head open to find out, who are your's? They can be third party too, like Sonic or Mega Man.
  11. Amiibro

    Nintendo direct 4-1-15

    I think this goes here. Anyways since a new nintendo direct should be comeing out today, let's talk about the new anoncements anything you saw that you liked? Disliked? Hope to see? No hesitations and let's hope nintendo dosen't pull any foolings on us………
  12. Amiibro

    Why was dr Crygor yellow in smooth moves?

    Did they ever explain that? He was purplish pink in the "invent-off", but in "kelerometer" he was yellow. Was it because he was fit? Or did they just want a new Crygor design?
  13. Amiibro

    From blue,brown and red to black?

    Why were all the charater's eye colors in game and wario changed to black? I thought they all looked good with their different eye colors. Why were they changed to black? For some of them it was their most defineing trait (Ashley and Mona) there dident really seem to be a reason for it. It...
  14. Amiibro

    Anybody else think its creepy when………

    I have only recently gotten into wario land. I mostly played ware but im starting to like land now too. I only have land 4 on the virtual console on my 3ds and i play it sometimes but when you collect those cd things in the levels and go to the test room WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN THAT TV. Its...
  15. Amiibro

    Wario weekly?

    Do you think nintendo should make more wario weeklys? It could be funny and each charater could write about current events put up ads or even discounts to their own businesses. For example "Want to learn some new groovy dancin' moves to bust out on the disco floor? Meet Jimmy at club sugar. Or...
  16. Amiibro

    Is it considered breaking the fourth wall……

    Is it considered breaking the fourth wall when you play a ware game in a ware game, like when you have to play twisted in smooth moves.
  17. Amiibro

    Time zones?

    It seems like our time zones are very different, for example when i go on the forums after a late night it seems that some people were posting at 1 am. So i thought i wonder what time zone? And so if you dont mind me asking what time zone are you in? To start off i am in hawaiian time zone what...
  18. Amiibro

    Do you think warioware charaters will be playable in smash 5?

    I have seen topics similar to this one before but i just felt like asking it. I could really see ashley and kat and ana (the two assist trophys we have from ware) mostly because kat and ana are steriotypical ninjas shrurikins katanas numchucks etc Then of course my personal fav Ashley is obvisly...
  19. Amiibro

    This place is awesome!

    I havent been here very long but this place is awesome, most of the people i hang out with know absolutly nothing about wario land and ware so its a little frustrating talking to them about it. But the wario forums is awesome all the members are bosses (i mean that in a good way) and cool. Its...
  20. Amiibro

    Are warioware games too short?

    I know warioware games are short simple microgames that become harder and harder within a charaters set but I feel they are too short , what about you?