Search results

  1. Hotel Horror

    What 3 Wario characters would you add to Mario Party?

    That's what I was thinking. Spoiled Rotten and CatBat are my 2 favourite bosses. I think I like CatBat a little more, but Spoiled Rotten is just so much fun to beat the shit out of, so I'd have to pick her. I was kinda torn between Shop Keeper and Goodstyle, but I think Shop Keeper would be...
  2. Hotel Horror

    What 3 Wario characters would you add to Mario Party?

    That's the best one of all! It was made by the same team that did the Wario Land series before they all went there seperate ways.
  3. Hotel Horror

    What 3 Wario characters would you add to Mario Party?

    Captain Syrup Spoiled Rotten And Shop Owner
  4. Hotel Horror

    [Poll] Is the Wario Land series really dead?

    That's what I'm hoping for. If Nintendo learns there's still interest, and they could make a fortune, why wouldn't they bring Wario Land back. Every one of those games apart from the Virtual Boy one, sold millions!
  5. Hotel Horror

    [Poll] Is the Wario Land series really dead?

    I wouldn't say never considering Pizza Tower's massive success and Antonblast coming out soon, it's safe to say there's still a high demand for Wario Land.
  6. Hotel Horror

    Ask Yoshrek

    Are you psyched for Antonblast?
  7. Hotel Horror

    Pizza Tower is on Switch now!

    It's a shame they couldn't release it now. I would've gladly bought the psychical copy.
  8. Hotel Horror

    Pizza Tower is on Switch now!

    Had a close call playing The Noise
  9. Hotel Horror

    Pizza Tower is on Switch now!

    This is knda ironic. I had always wanted PT to come to Switch, and when I finally stopped caring and just accepted it wasn't happening, "poof" here it is on Switch.
  10. Hotel Horror

    Great job, care!

    Great job, care!
  11. Hotel Horror

    What should a new Wario platformer look like ?

    I just need something that's genuinely fun and has the same charm that Wario Land 4 had. I also don't want it to be easy, I want a challenge so I'm actually getting my money's worth. And I don't know about everyone else, but I REALLY don't want another "Shake It." I always found it to be the...
  12. Hotel Horror

    Let's DO IT [ATTACH]

    Let's DO IT
  13. Hotel Horror

    410 more coins, and I'm doing it. Cus that sounds cool as hell! Thanks for the tip.

    410 more coins, and I'm doing it. Cus that sounds cool as hell! Thanks for the tip.
  14. Hotel Horror

    I didn't even know you could do that. But a good idea, is a good idea.

    I didn't even know you could do that. But a good idea, is a good idea.
  15. Hotel Horror

    Where did everyone go ?

    I think you might be right! But not before consuming 250 pounds of garlic first.
  16. Hotel Horror

    Where did everyone go ?

    I'm sure a lot of people feel the same way. WarioWare is fun, but come on! A new Wario adventure game is LONG overdue!
  17. Hotel Horror

    Where did everyone go ?

    Couldn't agree more! And who knows, with Pizza Tower's success, and Antonblast coming out soon, it might drive Nintendo to make a new Wario adventure game. Whether it's a new Wario Land, or Wario World. And that very well could bring old and new fans back here as well.
  18. Hotel Horror

    Where did everyone go ?

    Years ago It used to be a cool place for TMNT fans to discuss comics, movies and video games, etc, until pretty much everyone left. Now it's mostly just people getting pissed off at everything. Most of the people still there don't even really like Ninja Turtles and just go there to talk...
  19. Hotel Horror

    Where did everyone go ?

    At least we can be thankful this place didn't turn into the Technodrome Forums. Probably one of the worst places for your mental health.
  20. Hotel Horror

    Canceled Wario Fangame - Sprites and Animations

    Summitsphere should've hired you to help them with Antonblast. You definitely would've been an awesome asset to the team!