Okay... so due to some very bad conditions between me and a very good friend at my school I have not been able to do a lot in terms of checking Internet and stuff.
This, I think we can consider this project to be pretty much dead.
Which sucks... a lot... I really liked the bits of worked we did and the amount of information we found from the research we did.
If someone we ever continue this, anyone can contact me personally. (Through Google Drive, or a personal message here on the forums.)
I'll be working on personal video game projects.
I love working on games. Currently I'm making a Zelda inspired one, I'm gonna borrow a book about Java from one of my teachers at school during the summer holiday.
Maybe I'll be able to work on Java made stuff here.

I probably still want to make a Wario Fan Game, or Hack, or anything before I go study Game Design & Development.
So-uhhhhhh... yeah... that was a totally not random post coming from the middle of nowhere! Hope you guys have a
great rest of your week.