Magma Oldhead Diamond City Leader 39,257 Mar 1, 2017 #1 Lacks presence. Generally bad at getting his points across.
Metal Don't be sad cause it's over pimps 851 Mar 1, 2017 #2 Well done. You've stolen my heart yet again.
The 3rd Wario Brother Worlds greatest treasure hunter. Diamond City Insider 24,409 Mar 1, 2017 #4 "I'm pretty hungry." ~Uzume 2015
MonaWare do wa ditty Diamond City Insider 22,212 Mar 3, 2017 #5 (the context is Ryfia heard the expression "the devil must be beating his wife" for the first time)
MonaWare do wa ditty Diamond City Insider 22,212 Mar 7, 2017 #9 My mom really wants to play that game^
daria I believe in coffee 757 Mar 8, 2017 #11 MonaWare said: My mom really wants to play that game^ Click to expand... she should. it's really something. kind of twisted, though. every time I start a new episode I'm sat there thinking "what the hell just happened???" but it's a good game. ((haven't finished it yet tho))
MonaWare said: My mom really wants to play that game^ Click to expand... she should. it's really something. kind of twisted, though. every time I start a new episode I'm sat there thinking "what the hell just happened???" but it's a good game. ((haven't finished it yet tho))
MonaWare do wa ditty Diamond City Insider 22,212 Mar 8, 2017 #12 I want to find it for her, cant find it at our game stores though. Might have to order it online : /
Monxiasyshrema77 I didn't choose the sludge life 2,994 Mar 17, 2017 #16 OldPug said: View attachment 3595 Click to expand...
Metal Don't be sad cause it's over pimps 851 Mar 17, 2017 #17 MonxiasyshRema77 said: Click to expand...
MonaWare do wa ditty Diamond City Insider 22,212 Mar 22, 2017 #19 I actually have a friend I used to annoy with that habit^
Magma Oldhead Diamond City Leader 39,257 Mar 22, 2017 #20 Hey yo, try not to let this turn into a "generic video game reaction images" thread