Featured Wario Articles on MarioWiki

I like to see that the Mario Wiki does a good job with Wario info, but it makes me sad that all of this awesome Wario stuff is under the Mario Wiki.
I am completely in favor of seperate Wikis: Wario's games have shown to be completely different from Mario's by now. Wario is an unique series, not a Mario branch.
the original plan was to have separate Mario/DK/Wario wikis, but it was scrapped when the standalone DK Wiki failed at attracting outside attention and was folded back.

Folded back? What's this then?


But a Wario Wiki is a possibility, if this site actually does get big enough to support it. My intention is that soon, I'll have an actual Wario fanbase complete with fan site, forum, wiki, chat, fan works, etc. We just need to rebuild the Wario fandom first...
When NIWA started, there was a push to contact Nintendo wikia wiks and offer them to split up. Mariowiki's porplemontage offered to provide the hosting and the DKWiki staff accepted. he doesn't have any executive fiat and we had no input on DKWiki's creation.

annoyingly enough wayback archive doesn't have the "old" dkwiki paged, but you can view a discussion about it here.
Either way, I think there might eventually be enough interest in a Wario specific wiki. Since we'd run it, from this board.

DK Wiki only died because DK fans didn't want to be associated with it. I mean, imagine if DK Vine was to take it over. They might actually have an interesting, unique wiki on their hands which doesn't constantly overlap with the Mario one.

Unfortunately, the only people who were interested in the DK one were a few nobodies from wikia.
Unfortunately, the only people who were interested in the DK one were a few nobodies from wikia.

That's kinda mean : p. I can't deny DkWiki is sorta redundant with us but they do fair work all things considered.

(In the interest of fairness, I have to disclose that unless the new hypothetical Wario wiki is of figuratively divine standards, I'll stay on MarioWiki : p.
Maybe it was a tad mean, but... the audience on a lot of wikia sites can best be described as 'boring'. The kind of people who have a 'gentle' appreciation of a series, but don't seem to have any deeper attachment to the universe or characters. And for a site like DK Wiki, it needed to be original simply so it wasn't totally redundant. The only thing making it worth its existence would be a 'soul', of some kind. Or some sort of cultural appreciation not found elsewhere, if that's a better way of putting it.

And I'm not planning a Wario Wiki yet. We need a few hundred members first, enough to sustain such a site and fandom.
Why do Wikis need "souls"? All they need are the facts. I think the DK Vine would do a terrible job with a wiki putting in all sorts of bullshit that's not true.
I dunno. Seems like the problem with the modern internet and today's generation is a complete lack of imagination or personality, replaced purely by an obsession with cold facts and a lack of thought.
Hey don't get me wrong. I love fanon, fan games, fan fiction, fan theories, and all that stuff. It just doesn't belong on a wiki. There's a proper place for everything.