Getting more people interested in the Wario series?

Perhaps we could advertise how fun Wario games are, since no new games have been announced at least as of yet. Might as well get some of the best ones out there such as the Wario Land series, Wario World, Warioware Tiwsted, etc.

Yeah, agreed. It's one of the reasons I'm happy that ProtonJon is playing Wario Land 1, and raocow has played Wario Land 4 (and will play Wario Land 1, 2 and 3 in the near future). Their subscribers now likely know how great the series is as a result.

Tell them it is jam packed with adventure, thrilling gameplay action and micro games! Like app games, people like app games these days, huh? Yes, Warioware on the phone.

I'd be surprised if Nintendo wasn't planning a WarioWare app!