Granting kids to hell?


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
What was up with that rumour about Ashley's song anyway?

I mean, I'm pretty sure it was proven coincidental, but... what made it such a big thing back in the days of WarioWare Touched?
Yeah, I verified this myself at the time -- it's just due to the fact that it only plays small clips of the song when fast forwarding. It's

Eye [of newt
I cast a] h[ex on you.]
Grand[ma's wig
This will make you b]ig.
Kitt[en spit
S]oon[, your pants won't fit.]
Pantal[ones giganticus]!

Or something to that effect. Whether or not that was somehow intentional as a joke is hard to say, but I think you could pull a lot of weird messages out of anything with vocals if you just pick random series of clips broken apart.