Mona: Only Child or Older Sister?

Miss Dreamy

The WarioWare Artist
In Mona's diary entry from the Japanese WarioWare website, it states that she is an only child, plus in the cutscene where we see Mona's room in Get it Together you can see an image of just her and her two parents. But what if Mona did have siblings?

That's what got me to question it and made Molly and Mark (Oc's of mine who became Mona's siblings)
If anything it makes me wanna extend her family a bit more and actually draw the mom, dad, aunts, and uncles, I think it would be a really cool idea to make a family tree of Mona's family.

But I wanna hear about everyone's opinions about this, does Mona fit to be the only child or does she look like she would have younger siblings?
I forgot to share my opinion A-

Me personality I kinda see Mona having siblings. I mostly see her as the older sister type not really a younger sibling as she is more mature and has gone through most adventures. I was actually surprised when Mona didn't mention her family or had any siblings until I found a Japanese website where Mona writes her diary entries where she states that she's an only child which kinda saddens me.

That's why I made Molly first! Molly was created to sort of extend Mona's family, and right after that, I made Mark cause I had the motivation to extend the family even more! I really like Mona having siblings, it just fits her and she would be less lonely in the mansion she lives in cause I know that in games she would state that she lives alone at home.

So in the end, I just like seeing Mona having siblings and I hope that in the future games she would at least mention a family member or something :monapizza:
I mean in canon I gotta go with what we got so Mona is probably an only child but I still like and support your head cannon of making her siblings because its cute + I like the idea of it in general.
Plus even if MONA WAS AN ONLY CHILD that doesn't mean she has to be forever.
Her parents could have more kids or even adopt (maybe even taking in relatives children who look a lot like mona)
Eitherway I would like to see what Mona is like as a big sister. I wonder if she would treat her siblings as she treats her Yum Yums (when they mess up she gets very furious, except when they are in battle)
Besides even the old people in Warioware (orbulon, cyrgore, master mantis) are still very verile and active so I don't doubt Mona's, 9-volts, or any of the other characters that are teens or belows parents being able to have more kids.