Most ridiculous fan fic ideas you've ever seen?


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
Or heck, most ridiculous ideas you've seen in any fan works ever, fic, games and films included?

For me, not sure. On the one hand, some real person fan fiction (which apparently exists for some reason) sounds just disturbing. Like relationships between Lenin and Stalin. And the mere concept of fan fic about Dr Phil or UK MPs is just plain creepy.

But some fictional character stuff is a bit weird as well. Two people apparently thought having the Dark Star from Bowser's Inside Story in relationships was a good idea. At least one person I recall wrote a fan fic which was Mario x Kamek. There also seems to be a rather 'interesting' amount of fan fic of Big Bob-omb (yes, the Mario 64 boss) as well as others.

Some of the ones here seem weird as well:

I mean, Sonic meets Halo? GI Joe meets Sailor Moon? It's like it gets weirder and weirder.

There's an interesting fic out there where Scooby Doo is replaced by a character from Warhammer 40000. It's absolutely ridiculous in how silly it is (this new version of Scooby is literally blasting masked villains to smithereens with a laser gun), but it works surprisingly well.

Or this one, where Harry Potter meets Tetris:

For non fan fic works... well, you've got this funny crossover Duke Nukem mod... which has Bubsy the Bobcat as a playable character among about 20 others:

It also crosses over with Sailor Moon for some reason...

There's also this game, which has such amusing thing as a level where Mario fights through a North Korean military base. The Interview? Nothing on this!

Or the even more insanity of Super Mario World Dark Horizon, with Mario fighting a team up between Nazi Germany and terrorist groups or whatever including a fight through the middle of Iraq:

So what are the weirdest fan fic and fan works that you've ever seen?
I'm still baffled by the mere existence of Jesus x Hitler fanfics. Still can't get over it.

I really shouldn't be surprised, and if I know the internet well enough, it only gets crazier from there...but seriously.