Oh hey, we actually got WarioWare trophies now!


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
From GameExplain's recent video:






It's not much, but hey, this probably isn't all of them. But yeah, now apparently at least a few Wario characters got trophies, which is nice. Now all we need is Sakurai and co to stop being so damn lazy and to make real 3D models for them...
Hey, Dr.Crygors description actually mentions the Wario Car, that's actually pretty neat!
I didn't bother to read them because of my initial disapointment:
I have warmed up to the trophys since then, while I still find it extremly disapointing that they just HAD to cut corners on Wario as usual, I'm at the very least glad that they are getting SOME level of attention, baby steps I guess...
All of the trophys in
Smash Wii U :


Can't say I'm too pleased with how things turned out for Wario, but I have lost all hope for it's representation a long time ago...
I can't even be dissapointed anymore, at this point I will rather take the things that I like ( the Mario rpgs not beeing ignored, Wrecking Crew stage, everything Mega Man) and be happy with them, because while the Wario content may be extremly lacking, it's really not all that shocking anymore...
All of the trophys in
Smash Wii U :


Can't say I'm too pleased with how things turned out for Wario, but I have lost all hope for it's representation a long time ago...
I can't even be dissapointed anymore, at this point I will rather take the things that I like ( the Mario rpgs not beeing ignored, Wrecking Crew stage, everything Mega Man) and be happy with them, because while the Wario content may be extremly lacking, it's really not all that shocking anymore...

Haha, those flats look really stupid when turned around :p
Cool, paper trophies of WarioWare characters! I used to do papercut characters of Wario as a kid!

To be honest, it's good to see a little bit more attention put into the Wario(Ware) francise...