Puyo Puyo

Which is exactly what I meant when I said that I'd only really expect her to be added once Chronicle's one year anniversary comes around, because I doubt spoilers will be a hindrance at that point.

Oh, OK.

Here's a video with all the English voices:

To say a bit about the new ones:

Schezo is still the one I'm very iffy on, it sounds older then I'd expect it to, especially since all of his Japanese voices, while always mature, generally still have a youthful tone to them, which this one lacks, not gonna lie, it will take a while for me to get used to it.

Feli too sounds much older then she should, it really doesn't fit at all.

Draco's voice is great, another favorite for me and a million times better then her current Japanese voice.

Satan's voice is pretty good, more menacing then I'd expect, but that could make his goofier moments all the more humorous.

I'm a bit one the fence when it comes to Witch, it works, but at the same time I'm used to her voice being higher then this, it sounds kinda old, though nowhere near to the extend of Feli.

Ecolo's voice works, then again I had no real idea of what I'd expect him to sound like.

X is another good, has an fittingly likable tone to it.

Lemres is....odd, nothing like what I would have expected him to sound like, that's for sure.

I actually wish Ringo's alt voice was her default one, sounds much better in my opinion.

Risukuma's alt voice makes him sound like he's chocking on something, it's amusing.

Schezo's alt voice is closer in tone to what I would have liked him to sound like, but the delivery of his lines is a tad too fabulous for me to want exactly that as his default voice, still amusing thought.

Alt O sounds pissed as all hell.

Alt T is another one that's closer in tone for what I expected him to sound like then his default one.

Alt Maguro sounds like a dork that is trying to sound suave and I love it.

No real opinion on Alt Amitie, I, S, Rulue, Raffine, X or Feli, they just kind of are.

You know, Alt Klug actually sounds unironically decent, rather then so bad it's good, perhaps they should have swapped the voices around.

Alt Sig isn't uberly different from his regular voice (he just has more of an attitude), which means I like it, it's certainly better then his Japanese Alt voice.

Alt Draco sounds adorable as hell.

Alt Z sounds pretty similar to the default Japanese voice, not bad.

Alt J and L sound like they took cues from Sig.

Alt Arle is pretty good, not much to say.

Alt Suketoudara is smooth as all hell.

Fabulousness, thy name is Alt Satan.

Kinda wish Alt Witch was the default voice, sounds very much how I imagined an English Witch to be like.

Alt Ecolo fits really well, apart from the fast talking.

Alt Lemres is hysterical in his delivery (piece of caaaake!!!), I already know which voice I'll be using.

Darn it! I'm at school and I don't have any headphones!! Wait a minute, would this person possibly be able to play Story Mode, or will we have to wait in one week?
Hard to say, the thing is that SEGA is once again enforcing embargos, on story related content, like they did with Chronicle, so odds are that we may not see much english story mode material for a while.
In other words, buy a copy. That's what I'm doing anyways.

I do kinda find it a shame that the PS4 version is physical-only. I mean, I prefer physical copies anyway, so it doesn't really affect me in any significant way, but I can see a few people being grumpy about that; some do prefer digital, after all. Switch version is both physical and digital, but that doesn't matter if one has a PS4, but no Switch.

Apparently, licensing issues played a part in that? I don't know for sure, but apparently, the physical PS4 version coming to the West is a result of some loopholes being taken advantage of. And in this case, I'm glad they are taking advantage of them.

Admittedly, I do wish Sega would bring over more versions of PPT, but in my opinion, if they could only pick two versions, they at least made the right choices; the Switch, I hear is doing well, and people will want a Tetris game on their shiny new handheld/console hybrid. And Tetris has always been a staple of Nintendo handhelds to where the Switch would have felt incomplete without a version of the game.

Meanwhile, the PS4 is the most popular of the eighth-generation consoles, and already has a big userbase, so it makes sense to bring it over for that console as well. Plus, I can see people still reeling over the inexcusably poor PS4 port of Tetris Ultimate deciding they want a better Tetris experience on their console, and so get it for that reason.

Combined with actual marketing, and I think Sega may have learned some lessons, though not all.
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Well, I finally got an opportunity to hear EVERYONE'S voices, so here's MY opinions:

Arle (Alt.) - Eh, sounds a little TOO deep for my liking. but that being said, I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say Arle's Alt. voice is a reference to how Arle is a tomboy for the most part AND a Mythology Gag potshot at "Silvana's" English voice in the original Puyo Puyo.

Amitie (Alt.) - All I'm going to say is, the idea of Raffine teaching Amitie to be an upperclasswoman, and Amitie trying WAAAAAY too hard (and failing) to sound like one is HILARIOUS.

Ringo (Alt.) - Wow! Honestly, like MANY people have been saying, I'd actually prefer Ringo's Alt. voice be her DEFAULT voice for future games!

Rulue (Alt.) - Honestly, don't have too much of an opinion. Rulue just sounds WAY more feminine and chilled out in her Alt. voice. Don't get me wrong, I still love both voices though.

Suketoudara (Alt.) -Overall, I'm LOVING both his voices. As for his Alt. voice, I LOVE the fact that he becomes such a smooth talker. It's really funny.

Raffine (Alt.) - Ehh....Yeeeaaahhh....don't really have much of an opinion on her Alt. voice. I mean, I definitely don't HATE it. At best I can describe it as "Raffine: 1-2 years younger". That's about it.

Sig (Alt.) - Actually, I quite like Sig's Alt. voice. At least it has more emotion. Considering the JP version, I'm sure this IS intentional.

Klug (Alt.) - Headcanon time! I expect Klug to sound like his Alt. voice ALL the time when Lemres is around, while his DEFAULT voice would show up if he were to interact with....well, ANYONE else. That being said, I quite enjoy his Alt. voice and I'll probably be using it more than his default voice in gameplay.

Risukuma (Alt.) - There's something I find REALLY funny about Risukuma's Alt. voice. Maybe it's the fact that he sounds like Richard Nixon from Futurama.

Maguro (Alt.) - Just like with Suket, I'm LOVING Maguro's Alt. voice. Honestly, I think I like Maguro's more than 'Dara's. It sounds pretty endearing to hear him sound like such an adorably dorky smooth talker. If nothing else, it gives me some serious Incubus vibes...

Tee (Alt.) - Not bad. Not bad at all. As a matter of fact, his Alt. voice is honestly what I always envisioned his DEFAULT voice would sound like, if I'm being truthful here.

O (Alt.) - I guess O DOES sound pretty funny when he's angry, but otherwise I don't have much of an opinion.

Ess (Alt.) - Meh, she sounds...younger(?) I'll say this much, her Alt. voice (like Tee) sounds like what I envisioned her DEFAULT voice to sound like.

Ai (Alt.) - One part of me enjoys the fact that Ai basically becomes discount Scooby-Doo with his Alt. voice, and another part of me is a bit worried that that novelty WILL get old after a while.

Jay and Elle (Alt.) - Pretty CREEPY to hear THEM talk in such a monotone unison...and that sounds SO cool.

Zed (Alt.) - Pretty interesting. Just like with Tee and Ess, his Alt. voice is what I always imagined his DEFAULT voice be. Still, he reminds me of War Machine from the Marvel vs. Capcom games even MORE with his Alt. voice, so that's a plus in my book.

Schezo - Yeeeaaah...Schezo sounds...WAAY too OLD for my liking. I was sort of hoping he would have a more younger voice that would sort of compliment Arle's (default) voice. If nothing else, I feel like his default voice is trying to make some sort of very noticeable jab at the fact that our resident Dark Wizard is really 180 years old, despite his youthful body.

Schezo (Alt.) - I'm not saying I'd want his Alt. voice to be his default voice, but I'll say this much: Aside from a few hilariously unfitting voice clips, his Alt. voice fits his appearance MUCH more than his default voice, IMO.

Satan - Wow, just...wow. I honestly didn't think I'd be saying this, but....Satan sounds more evil and threatening than I EVER would have predicted! Why, he..he actually sounds...BADASS! (Wow, NEVER thought I was going to say THAT about this guy...) Still, what makes me laugh inside is that I bet the moment Arle and Carbuncle show up in a cutscene alongside him, or when everyone is blaming him for the chaos occurring in Story Mode, Satan's whole "evil badass" front will go right out the window faster than Schezo's "terrifying Dark Wizard" front whenever he says something perverted.

Satan (Alt.) - Effeminate Satan hilarity approaching! Honestly, Satan sounds like a discount James from Team Rocket, or at least trying his best to sound like him. Actually, when I listen even more, I start to think of/literally HEAR Oshare Bones...

Draco - For the first time, I finally get to hear truly clear voice clips of Draco, and I have to admit that I'm...liking what I'm hearing so far. I'll certainly say it feels pretty darn...unnatural to me that she actually sounds OLDER than Rulue of all people and likewise, I still wish her default voice would maybe sound at least a BIT younger but otherwise, her bold tomboy voice really fits her. BTW, anyone else getting some Succubus vibes from her default voice? No? Just me? All right then.

Draco (Alt.) - Aside from a few admittedly..."grating" voice clips, Draco's Alt. voice is essentially what I always envisioned her to sound like in English with her default voice serving as the Alt. That being said, I quite enjoy both voices. Her default voice really lets her boldness shines though, while her Alt. voice emphasizes her more cuter traits, in a manner of speaking.

Witch - Good heavens...I won't lie, her default voice sounds even MORE jarring to me than Draco. At least I can give Draco a pass for being a Tomboy, but Witch is just...I mean for WITCH to sound just as old as the likes of RULUE of all people (if not OLDER!) is just SO...weird to me. Like, I can't really describe it. I'll have to hear more before I can say whether or not I like it. For now, I'll just say I can tolerate it.

Witch (Alt.) - I guess Witch's Alt. voice comes CLOSER to what I always envisioned her to sound like in English, but it still sounds a bit old, even for her. Just like with Draco, I don't hate her voices, but I can't say I'm a huge fan of them either. If I ever get PPT, if nothing else I'll probably use Witch's Alt. voice more often, if anything.

Lemres - My, my. I think I can safely say that Lemres really...surprised me. He doesn't exactly sound like how I envisioned him... like, at ALL. But you know what? In Lemres' case, I think that was for the best. If nothing else, I actually REALLY like the default voice SEGA went with for him. He sounds like his personality usually entails. He's really just a truly chill guy at heart who's really easy to make friends with, once you get past the pretty suspicious and shady behavior.

Lemres (Alt.) - Alright, let me get this out of the way right now...SURFER-DUDE/HIPSTER LEMRES FTW!!! OK, there. I got it out.

Feli - I guess...Feli isn't BAD, per se. It's like Feli's English VA got her overall personality right, but there should at least be a bit more emotion to her than monotone. I just can't see Feli sounding monotone 100% of the time. I see it working for Sig, but not her. At least, I hope she doesn't sound 100% monotone in her second post-battle cutscene when the cast uses Lemres to check if she's returned to normal. It's best to say, she should have a more "mystical/mysterious" inflection to her voice, if that makes sense.

Feli (Alt.) - Sooo....remember when I said Feli probably shouldn't sound 100% monotone and that she should have a more "mystical/mysterious" inflection to her voice? To me, Feli's Alt. voice makes her sound like she is REALLY phoning it in and at the same time, not phoning it in ENOUGH. Like, she's not really..."TRYING" to make said "inflection" work, if that make sense. Honestly, I can't say I'm a fan of it...

Ecolo - Ecolo actually sounds adorably silly, if I'm being honest. Something about his default voice gives me the same feeling I get hearing Jay and Elle. Just like them, I don't dislike his default voice, though I'm not too hyped over it or anything.

Ecolo (Alt.) - Not...really much of a difference from his default voice, aside from the obvious fact that his voice clips have all been GREATLY sped up. Honestly, did Ecolo's English VA even record new lines for his Alt. voice? Still, I will give Ecolo's Alt. voice this much: Ecolo + sped-up voice = Pretty gosh-darn funny voice clips.

Ex - I quite enjoy his voice clips. Heck, if I'm being honest here, Ex's English voice is almost PRECISELY what I envisioned for Schezo, and/or ESPECIALLY Lemres to sound like. Don't get me wrong though, Ex's default voice still greatly fits him.

Ex (Alt.) - Not bad at all. I like Ex's Alt. voice overall. Still though, I have to ask all of you...did anyone ever expect Ex to sound so...INTENSE?

Hard to say, the thing is that SEGA is once again enforcing embargos, on story related content, like they did with Chronicle, so odds are that we may not see much english story mode material for a while.

Actually, SEGA themselves said that once the game is officially released to us, you can stream whatever you like. Story Mode included. They're more than aware that a series as obscure as Puyo Puyo NEEDS the publicity.
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SurrealBrain said:
Apparently, licensing issues played a part in that? I don't know for sure, but apparently, the physical PS4 version coming to the West is a result of some loopholes being taken advantage of. And in this case, I'm glad they are taking advantage of them.
I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand Ubisoft has enforced a guideline that says that only a single Tetris game per system can be released in the west, which made a PPT localization neigh impossible, thanks to how many systems were ''blessed'' with Ultimate. The Switch version got through thanks to it being a new system with no other Tetris game and the PS4 version can be localized thanks to a loophole that dictates that there can't be a localized digital version, since Ultimate is digital only, but a physical version is fair game.

Again, if someone wants to really go into detail then be my guest.

puyokid said:
Lemres - My, my. I think I can safely say that Lemres really...surprised me. He doesn't exactly sound like how I envisioned him... like, at ALL. But you know what? In Lemres' case, I think that was for the best. If nothing else, I actually REALLY like the default voice SEGA went with for him. He sounds like his personality usually entails. He's really just a truly chill guy at heart who's really easy to make friends with, once you get past the pretty suspicious and shady behavior.
That's a good way to put it, to be honest I wasn't sure what to think of his voice initially, since it is so different from everything that I expected, but it is growing on me, it does really fit Lemres' personality of a unfailingly nice and laid back, if eccentric guy, who also happens to be extremely skilled at his craft.

puyokid said:
Actually, SEGA themselves said that once the game is officially released to us, you can stream whatever you like. Story Mode included. They're more than aware that a series as obscure as Puyo Puyo NEEDS the publicity.
I'm more talking about video uploads, since there are embargos for that, in fact Giant Bomb delisted their old translated PPT cutscene videos as soon as the embargo got revealed.

If you got a Target near you and you like decals, you can buy this edition of Puyo Puyo Tetris for Switch and get these.

Sadly, I can't go to Target regularly, so unless I can go to one, I can't really get these decals. Still, more incentive to buy this awesome game.

Sadly, PS4 owners are still stuck without any limited edition goodies to speak of. Still planning on getting that one, though, since I have it pre-ordered.
I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand Ubisoft has enforced a guideline that says that only a single Tetris game per system can be released in the west, which made a PPT localization neigh impossible, thanks to how many systems were ''blessed'' with Ultimate. The Switch version got through thanks to it being a new system with no other Tetris game and the PS4 version can be localized thanks to a loophole that dictates that there can't be a localized digital version, since Ultimate is digital only, but a physical version is fair game.

Wow. You know, I can't help but wonder now if SEGA actually wanted to release PPT worldwide long before now, but due to that contract, they never got a chance? Also, I take it SEGA couldn't work around said "air-tight" loophole for Xbox One and 3DS, huh?

That's a good way to put it, to be honest I wasn't sure what to think of his voice initially, since it is so different from everything that I expected, but it is growing on me, it does really fit Lemres' personality of a unfailingly nice and laid back, if eccentric guy, who also happens to be extremely skilled at his craft.

To be honest, I expected Lemres to sound like, say, Ken Masters in the English dub of the recent Street Fighter games. So for him to have a voice like his default one kind of took me for a loop, but in a good way.

I'm more talking about video uploads, since there are embargos for that, in fact Giant Bomb delisted their old translated PPT cutscene videos as soon as the embargo got revealed.

Well, I came across a Twitter post from Sam Mullen (prominent employee at SEGA of America) who says the Western version doesn't seem to have any manner of an embargo. According to him, SEGA (all regions, apparently) greatly ENCOURAGE everyone to post as much of the Western version of PPT on YouTube as they can.

puyokid said:
Wow. You know, I can't help but wonder now if SEGA actually wanted to release PPT worldwide long before now, but due to that contract, they never got a chance? Also, I take it SEGA couldn't work around said "air-tight" loophole for Xbox One and 3DS, huh?
Hard to say, it seems like there may have been plans from the very start, but I won't claim to know that I have any idea of what's going on at SEGA, same goes for questions regarding the other versions, given how messy things seem to regulary be with this company.

puyokid said:
Well, I came across a Twitter post from Sam Mullen (prominent employee at SEGA of America) who says the Western version doesn't seem to have any manner of an embargo. According to him, SEGA (all regions, apparently) greatly ENCOURAGE everyone to post as much of the Western version of PPT on YouTube as they can.


That's odd, so the embargo may be limited to japan and maybe other asian countries, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a conscious decision of SEGA's western divisions to do their own thing and instead make sure that people get out the word of the game in any way possible, it would be wise on their parts, that's for sure.

On a different note, the guy who recorded the video for all the english voice clips has a review copy of the game and can confirm that Rider is now ''Lidelle'', so that question is settled now as well. As someone who already has a hard time getting used to ''Raffina''and the Tetris charas having ''fuller'' names this one won't be much better for me.
On a different note, the guy who recorded the video for all the english voice clips has a review copy of the game and can confirm that Rider is now ''Lidelle'', so that question is settled now as well. As someone who already has a hard time getting used to ''Raffina''and the Tetris charas having ''fuller'' names this one won't be much better for me.
It will be easy for me.
The "Rider" spelling never made any sense.
They picked the wrongest(most wrong?) way to romanize it by going with "Rider".
Hard to say, it seems like there may have been plans from the very start, but I won't claim to know that I have any idea of what's going on at SEGA, same goes for questions regarding the other versions, given how messy things seem to regularly be with this company.

I wouldn't be surprised if there WERE plans from the beginning. I mean, Puyo Puyo AND Tetris in one game? That sounds pretty marketable in my opinion. Still though, I understand what you mean about the whole "different console versions" thing being SO screwed up and complicated. It really is hard to keep track of stuff like that, I'll admit.

That's odd, so the embargo may be limited to japan and maybe other Asian countries, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a conscious decision of SEGA's western divisions to do their own thing and instead make sure that people get out the word of the game in any way possible, it would be wise on their parts, that's for sure.

Actually, that's EXACTLY SEGA's goal. The embargo is EXCLUSIVELY limited to Asia, as SEGA really (and I mean REALLY) wants Puyo Puyo Tetris to sell, and for good reason, as the series is nothong short of a juggernaut in Japan, on par with MARIO, SONIC, and/or ZELDA. In Sonic's case, it's VERY noticeable especially when you consider that SEGA (in Japan) treats Arle and Carbuncle (and the Puyos themselves) together as more of a mascot than Sonic over there.

On a different note, the guy who recorded the video for all the English voice clips has a review copy of the game and can confirm that Rider is now ''Lidelle'', so that question is settled now as well. As someone who already has a hard time getting used to ''Raffina''and the Tetris characters having ''fuller'' names this one won't be much better for me.

It will be easy for me.
The "Rider" spelling never made any sense.
They picked the wrongest(most wrong?) way to romanize it by going with "Rider".

Yeah, I'm sure I'll get used to "Raffina" and "Liddelle" soon, but I sort of liked "Raffine" and "Rider" more. I'm sure it's just nostalgia talking, but I still sort of prefer those names after being accustomed to them for WAAAY too long. I mean, I guess shouldn't be too surprised. Heck, the English version of PPT has also gone on to "finalize" the "TRUE" spellings of Ecolo's overall name and Draco's last name. (Ecolo, instead of Ekolo/Ekoro/Ecoro, and Centauros instead of simply Centaur.)
It will be easy for me.
The "Rider" spelling never made any sense.
They picked the wrongest(most wrong?) way to romanize it by going with "Rider".
I should stress that I can appreciate them trying to strive for accuracy and I don't mind the name changes as is, it's just that, yah know, accurate or not Raffine and Rider have been the english names for all these years, not just in Fever's localized release, but also any japanese material that needed romanized names and after 11 years of knowing these characters by those names a sudden change is bound to be weeeeeird no matter what.
Hum, I'm not the kind to really have "headcanons" of any kind but in my mind I kind of went with Rydel-sort of pronunciation since even the Fever localization had no idea how to make sense of "Rider".
Hey guys. I just wanted to post a link to this very interesting fanfic I came across in warelander's Tumblr blog. Uh, @warelander, I hope you don't mind me posting it here.

Madou Monogatari: Uchū Jigoku

It's basically a fan's (whose Tumblr blog I've also checked on from time to time) personal take on the overall "state" of Arle's world after Arle herself, Carbuncle, Rulue, Schezo, Satan, Draco, Witch, Suketoudara, Lagnus, Seriri, Harpy, etc. were all teleported from their home dimension to Primp Town. Specifically, this story seems to take place...I want to say...2-3 months AFTER the events of Puyo Puyo 7, as the story makes a notable point of Witch already having been teleported from her dimension to (most likely) Suzuran, and later, Primp Town. All in all, it's an interesting story that kind of delves into the lives of various Madou-era characters who have either not been playable in a Puyo games for years, or never appeared in a Puyo game whatsoever.
I don't mind, after all I reblog these things to be shared around.

Reading this fic really reminds me that I should try to write something again, I'm thinking of a re-write for ''Aftermath of the Tournament'' because many things about it bug me nowadays.
I don't mind, after all I reblog these things to be shared around.

Ah, alright then. BTW, in relation to this fic, is it weird that I REALLY enjoy this fic going into detail on Witch's extended family? I'm pretty sure an official source from Compile has stated that Wizard IS Witch's estranged older brother.

Reading this fic really reminds me that I should try to write something again, I'm thinking of a re-write for ''Aftermath of the Tournament'' because many things about it bug me nowadays.

Really? What specifically, if you don't mind me asking?
Here's a video with all the english voices:

I'll give my 2 cents on the English dub before it gets too old. I'll just do it in order as it is with the video.
  • Ringo's voices are both good overall. Her younger alt set is closer to what I was expecting, but the more serious, confident tone in the original set is also fitting for her.
  • I like Risukuma's eng voice more than his jap one due to it sounding more hammy, which works great for an oddball like him. His original set is spot on in terms of delivery while his alt set sounds too stuffy, like Alex Armstrong trying to do his best impression of a scientist and fumbling his words in the process.
  • Schezo's voices both settle on an okay quality for completely opposite reasons. His original set is a lot deeper and mature than I expected while his alt set has such has such a high tone and a wild inflection that it borders on campy.
  • O's voices are both really high pitched compared to his jap voice so I'm not really fond of either tbh though I'd still pick his original over his alt set.
  • T's voices are both good. I could switch between either set really.
  • Maguro's original set is what I expected, but his alt set fits more with his character music though. I could roll with either just fine.
  • Amitie's eng voice is much better here than it was in Fever by leaps and bounds (and I could say the same for Klug and Raffine, too). Though her original set is a little on the shrill side so I'll settle with her alt set.
  • I don't like either of Feli's voices, and her jap voices were equally annoying to me. The original set is too bored and monotone while her alt set sounds like a bad Batman impression. If I have to pick my poison though, monotone Feli beats Batman Feli.
  • I's an interesting case since he was my least favorite in the jap dub due to that god-awful whining and yapping whenever he lost, but his original set fixes that and sounds great. Meanwhile his alt set is less appealing with less contrast between his normal speech and barks.
  • S's are pretty good, but I honestly can barely hear any differences between the original and alt set.
  • I busted out laughing when I first heard Klug's original set. It's so different from his cocky cock tone from Fever that it totally blindsided me. That said, his alt set cracks less so I'll pick that one. Voice cracking gets old fast for me.
  • Sig's pretty much what I expected. Minimal enthusiasm, maximum mellow, and all that. I like his original set more though simply because it's a touch more relaxed.
  • I love both of Draco's sets. It'll be a tough pick between her more aggressive original, or her more adorable alt though.
  • Z's original set is my favorite of the two since I don't really like the entirely robotic alt voice over the metallic, but still semi-emotional original.
  • J and L's original set is great since it's so energetic while I don't really like the creepy, twins theme of the alt set.
  • Arle's voices are pretty much what I'd expect. I have no preference between either set really.
  • Suketoudara is one of my favorite voices because of his massive ham, and this dub hasn't changed that. That applies to both sets.
  • Satan's orignal set is hilariously monstrous while his alt set, like the ghost of Oshare Bones himself possessing him, is hilariously flamboyant. Was kinda hoping for a more serious tone like in the jap original, but this is fine too.
  • Rulue's voices are good except there seems to be more of a preference for an aggressive instead of a noble-woman tone compared to the jap voices. Her alt set compensates enough for this balance though.
  • Replace the word Rulue with Raffine for the above point, and you've got my Raffine review.
  • Adding the childlike, playful tone to Ecolo's voice is a nice touch since it works great with his character. His fast-talking alt set isn't quite as good though.
  • X's eng voice is an improvement to the jap voice imo. Way less nasaly, and has a lot more force to it. His alt set is ridiculously macho though so I'll stick with the original.
  • I never took Lemres to sound like a surfer bro, and I'm not really fond of it. I'll settle for his original set even though that's still a cockier tone than what I'd want from him.
  • Witch is okay for both sets. She sounds too old in the original while her alt set sounds too girly.
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Ah, alright then. BTW, in relation to this fic, is it weird that I REALLY enjoy this fic going into detail on Witch's extended family? I'm pretty sure an official source from Compile has stated that Wizard IS Witch's estranged older brother.
You don't happen to have a sourc on that one? Not to say I don't believe you, it's just the first time I'm hearing this.

Really? What specifically, if you don't mind me asking?
A lot of it just feels hectic and not terribly descriptive, I mean the beginning is alright, but the scenes with Arle just feel like the follow the plot and don't take any time for a deeper elaboration on her dynamic and relationship with Sig and just why she'd like him that way, coming from someone who utterly adores the idea of those two together and can totally see them that way, that is pretty weak.

I was actually thinking of a rewrite for ''In the grasp of the Doppelganger'' at first, since there are some things about it that I'm not that crazy for either (general stuff that concerns my writing style), but I decided against it, since I feel like it marked some important improvements to my writing, so I want to leave it as is, with no other versions around.

Either way I'm aiming to have it done before the end of the weekend and I'll be posting this one on Tumblr, so yeah, look forward (?) to that.
Just checked Twitter, guess who's getting his fourth Quest alt:

More love for Lagnus, hells to the yeah!
You don't happen to have a source on that one? Not to say I don't believe you, it's just the first time I'm hearing this.

I'm afraid not. It's been like like 3 years since I last read up on it, and considering this is related to Compile, it would be somewhat difficult to come across again. That being said, I wish Puyo Quest would add characters like Wizard so we could have an official word on their relationship now. Specifically, whether or not SEGA STILL considers them (Witch and Wizard) related in some way.

A lot of it just feels hectic and not terribly descriptive, I mean the beginning is alright, but the scenes with Arle just feel like the follow the plot and don't take any time for a deeper elaboration on her dynamic and relationship with Sig and just why she'd like him that way, coming from someone who utterly adores the idea of those two together and can totally see them that way, that is pretty weak.

I was actually thinking of a rewrite for ''In the grasp of the Doppelganger'' at first, since there are some things about it that I'm not that crazy for either (general stuff that concerns my writing style), but I decided against it, since I feel like it marked some important improvements to my writing, so I want to leave it as is, with no other versions around.

Either way I'm aiming to have it done before the end of the weekend and I'll be posting this one on Tumblr, so yeah, look forward (?) to that.

Well, if I'm being honest, I did feel like Arle and Sig's "relationship" in "Aftermath of the Tournament" COULD have been fleshed out a tad better in the latter portion if you don't mind the criticism . Mind you, this is coming from someone who strongly supports Amitie x Sig. :P

Just checked Twitter, guess who's getting his fourth Quest alt:
View attachment 4001

More love for Lagnus, hells to the yeah!

Aw, yeah! More Lagnus love! Man, who would have thought Lagnus would look so epic in purple? To be fair, the golden wings DO bring everything together...

BTW, 4 questions. Please forgive me if this is a bit much to answer on short notice.

1) Which do you ship? Witch x Schezo or Witch x Lagnus? Just curious, cause I've been coming across those ships a lot on pixiv recently...

2) Didn't Lagnus' Yo~n incarnation get added to Quest before Witch's? I think it was labeled "Ultimate Lagnus". My favorite version of him, BTW.

3) Out of curiosity, what are your other fanfics about?

4) In the event that Wish, Camus, Lala, etc. were kept around for future Puyo games, do you think they would have had more of a role to play in the Puyo side of things? For example, Wish more or less sharing Ms. Accord's role in the series currently, Camus and Lemres sharing the role of magical super-students, or Lala sharing Rulue's role of Arle rival, albeit WAAAY less paranoid around Arle.
BTW, 4 questions. Please forgive me if this is a bit much to answer on short notice.

1) Which do you ship? Witch x Schezo or Witch x Lagnus? Just curious, cause I've been coming across those ships a lot on pixiv recently...

2) Didn't Lagnus' Yo~n incarnation get added to Quest before Witch's? I think it was labeled "Ultimate Lagnus". My favorite version of him, BTW.

3) Out of curiosity, what are your other fanfics about?

4) In the event that Wish, Camus, Lala, etc. were kept around for future Puyo games, do you think they would have had more of a role to play in the Puyo side of things? For example, Wish more or less sharing Ms. Accord's role in the series currently, Camus and Lemres sharing the role of magical super-students, or Lala sharing Rulue's role of Arle rival, albeit WAAAY less paranoid around Arle.
1) Schezo x Witch all the way, easily one of my big favorites. I saw Lagnus x Witch around as well and it's cute, but not something I personally ship.

2) Yeah, Powerful Lagnus (I think that's the name) has been around for a long time, I love that one too, though nothing will ever beat Vacation Lagnus.

3) I won't list every single one, since I used to write pretty much everything that came to my mind for a while, I will say that a majority of my writing makes Sig the center of attention, since he is my favorite character and the one I feell the most confident to write.

The most obvious would be the mountains of Arle x Sig (and occasionally Sig x Doppel, since I'm wacky like that) stories, some basic examples:

-A PP7 based AU story where Sig confronts Dark Arle alongside Ringo.

-A Fever 2 based story in which Sig comes in possesion of the Memory of Chu and tries it out in a match with Arle, not knowing what the result will be.

-A more humour based story in which Sig get's confused about one of Schezo's usual.....Schezo-isms and wonders how it could apply to himself and how he feels about Arle. (the humor comes from Sig's sheer innocence for the record)

Other Sig based stories:

-A Quest based story, featuring the ragtag buch of missfits team of Sig, Lagnus, Jan, Baldlanders and Panotty, going on Quests and trying to find a way out of the island, along with everyone else who got send there.

-A story in which Sig is a guest on Spaceship Tetra, pretty much there to come up with potential dynamics between him and the Tetris characters.

-A number of stories written for the whole purpose of Sig/Prince Salde bromance.

-A story that I never even got to finish a first draft of, in which thanks to an accident, the demon in Klug's book finds a way into the alive and well Sig's body and wrestles for control over it, trying to destroy him mentally from the inside and gaining the upper hand over time, as Sig runs into danger of losing himself forever, with only his friends, who are unaware of what's exactly going on, being able to help him in some fashion.

It might sound similar to ''Sig's Secret'' in some parts, mainly the losing himself part, however it was written before those parts of the Novel were translated, so it's merely a coincidence.

A few non-Sig stories :

- A story where Lagnus, who is only a few EXP away from returning to adult form, struggles to find opportunities to do so, in a town as peaceful as Primp.

-A story in which Doppel and Strange Klug meet, basically trash talking each other and developing a ''I don't care what you do, but if you get in my way I'll kill you'' type of dynamic, while remaining composed and lax the entire time.

-A story centering around a party that takes place in the center of Primp, essentially an excuse to cramm in as many character cameos as possible.

-A story where Schezo and Witch, after horrible day for both, agree to work together on a task offered by Lemres, which promises a reward they both want.

I am thinking about doing revamps for some of those, to post them online, but ya know, I wanted to do one of the ones that are already out there first, plus there are a few more factors that made AotT my main target.

4) I'd like to say yes, but there is no way to tell if they would have been this lucky.