I assumed you meant Rafisol, since she was just recently added to Quest,making it unlikely that we will be seeing any other cards based off of her for a while.
Actually, I meant Succubus. Mostly because after how Incubus (despite his relatively minor status as a recurring character) managed get this treatment, I was joking that I hoped Puyo Puyo's OTHER attractive, sex-crazed demon wouldn't be subjected to such a fate. It's one of the reasons I'm actually a bit glad that Succubus is one of the series' more minor character (in comparison to Incubus, at least). SEGA isn't as likely to do cursed stuff with her like that.
All this being said, I really doubt Rafisol would be subjected to such a curse, considering (as you said) she was just added to the game for not even a month now.
I knew that the last one would be a purple card, but it did surprise me as well that they chose Dark Arle of all things. I also agree on Incubus being the biggest surprise, especially since this is already the fourth Incubus variation in the game now, at this point I'm convinced that he's going to be in the next mainstream game, judging from my theory on Lagnus, Seriri and Harpy's pre-Chronicle Quest prominence and how it actually seemed to be spot on.
And if Succubus could be added alongside him, I'd be all the more hyped.
Oh, I didn't realize you were the one who made it, but either way cute idea and I don't really see anything sloppy about it (saw the description).
Aw, thanks! The song really fit didn't it?
By the by, something I want to ask, Puyo has had a good amount of main villains now, how would you rank them and why would you rank them the way you do?
7. Popoi - The guy really did feel like something out of a FEVER dream, and no future games have really gone into just who (or what) he is (and just who Ms. Accord is by extension) although we do get the occasional reference to these events from time to time (i.e. Schezo asking Popoi's mysterious transformation in Chronicles).
6. Dark Arle - Just like you, while I'm bothered by how SEGA didn't use her properly (and boy, does she have untapped potential), the idea certainly was an interesting one. If only Dark Arle had more of an effect on the cast. Honestly, I've been wondering if she'll be returning to the series, due to all the merch featuring her lately.
5. Satan - Guy's honestly less of a villain these days (then again he wasn't really much of one back then either, so...), and has become more and more of your typical eccentric megalomaniac but with magic powers. This being said, I can't help but admit that I sort of like this portrayal all the same. However, I'm not exactly
4. Ecolo - Ever since 20th, Ecolo became more and more like Satan. A force to be reckoned with, but in truth, is simply an all-powerful being who just wants to have fun. This being said, while I love the little guy, I can't say I'm all that fond of his and Satan's whole "solve any and all problems with their near-limitless powers" thing. Starting to get darn pretty old.
3. Strange Klug - An interesting villain in and of himself, I loved how he helped to give Primp enough mystery and backstory rivaling that of what you'd see from the Madou-era.
2. Rafisol - LOVE how SEGA handled her, not making her simply "Evil Ally" (in a sense), giving her a compelling (by this series' standards) character arc.
1. Doppelganger Arle - My favorite villain from my favorite game (due to the story and artstyle), Doppel gives off that air of being mysterious, yet surprisingly volatile in terms of Arle. It also helps that Quest seems to imply that she has no beef with the rest of the cast, and that Arle is her only concern. It helps me find her all the more interesting as a character, you know?