ROM Hack: Wario Land 3: The Master Quest!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Release #020 is out as a little Christmas gift! And for another little Christmas treat, I'm also releasing some historical patches of the hack back before it was Master Quest, with the oldest version dating as far back as 2012!


Here is the history of Wario Land 3 Master Quest (From the txt file that was included with the historical releases zip file):

Back before the hack became Wario Land 3 Master Quest, the hack was sort of a scratch pad for experimenting various things, and
was not really intended to be released at all!

It is not known exactly when the hack begun, but the records show that the hack dates as far back as November 29, 2012 (which I
have included here), but may have dated farther back to 2011!

There has also been another revision dating November 1, 2014, and is also included!

The hack was first released to the public back in April 26, 2017 on Wario Forums! It underwent several revisions (Called updates)
before transitioning to become Wario Land 3 Master Quest! There were possibly a total of 23 different updates in this stage of
development, which are included here! Please note that Update 017 appears to be lost (or intentionally skipped,
and was instead Update 016.1), and Update 001 was possibly the initial release, or is lost!
Updates 002-016 (as well as the initial release) used the bps format, and may not work correctly, or at all!
These date from April 26, 2017 to April 29, 2017! They will not be included here, as they cannot be patched properly!
Update 016.1 was released May 10, 2017, and Updates 018 (017 is lost, or never existed in the first place) to 020 were released
from March 18, 2018 to March 19 2018, and Update FINAL was released on March 20, 2018!

The hack was given the working title of "Almost Kaizo Edition" and had two know demos, though Demo 1 appears to be lost...

Demo 2 was released on April 14, 2018!

The first version to use the name Master Quest was released on July 29, 2018 (As Release #000), and has evolved into the hack
we know today!

The timeline of Wario Land 3 Master Quest's LONG development history:

November 29, 2012: Earliest surviving version, previously unreleased
November 1, 2014: 2nd earliest revision, previoulsy unreleased
April 26, 2017: First public release as an unnamed hack (May be Update 001), unusable patch, not included here
April 26, 2017 to April 29, 2017: Updates 002 to 016 (001 may have never existed, is lost, or is the initial release listed above), unusable patches, not included here
May 10, 2017: Update 016.1 (May be the skipped Update 017)
March 18, 2018: Update 018 (Update 017 either lost, or was intentionally skipped as 016.1), first ips release
March 19, 2018: Update 019 and Update 020
March 20, 2018: Update FINAL and Super Hard Mode
April 14, 2018: Almost Kaizo Edition Demo 2 (Demo 1 is lost)
July 29, 2018: Master Quest, Release #000
October 18, 2018: Release #001
December 2, 2018: Release #002
June 26, 2019: Release #003
January 21, 2020: Release #004
September 20, 2020: Release #005
March 1, 2021: Release #007 (Release #006 was skipped)
March 29, 2021: Release #008
March 28, 2022: Release #009
November 15, 2022: Release #010
December 6, 2022: Release #011
January 1, 2023: Release #012
January 2, 2023: Release #013
January 14, 2023: Release #014
March 29, 2023: Release #015
September 14, 2023: Release #016
September 23, 2023: Release #017
November 23, 2023: Release #019 (Release #018 was skipped)
December 25, 2023: Release #020
August 23, 2024: Release #021
December 24, 2024: Release #022

Full timeline range: November 29, 2012 to December 24, 2024
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So for those here who don't know the full story of Master Quest, here it is:
Tiger21820 was the creator of the music box world, and he, plus his many inhabitants lived together peacefully...
One day, an evil clown invaded the music box world, and started wreaking havoc using evil magic...
This evil magic started forming deadly skull tiles that killed anything that touched them (which explains why enemies in addition to Wario die to them in game), and eventually started turning the inhabitants into strange critters...
Tiger and some elite wizards got 5 music boxes to seal the clown's magic before sealing away the clown, and (Tiger) appointed 5 powerful guards (the bosses) to guard 4 of the music boxes directly (other elite guards guarded other important treasures), while Tiger himself hid the final music box on the moon which could only be summoned by a gong, which was guarded by the 5th powerful guard... However, just before the clown (and his power) was fully sealed away, he use the last of his power to trap Tiger into his body, and turn all the guards in giant beings, who still, despite being transformed, set off to guard the music boxes and specific treasures... The clown along with Tiger was sealed away in the northern temple...

Some time later...

Wario thought it was a very lovely day outside, so he decided to fly his plane across a large forest, hoping to score some treasure during the outing when suddenly his plane catches fire and makes a crash landing (his plane was totaled) into the vast forest...
Wario wanders around thinking his day couldn't get any worse when he stumbles into a cave with a beautiful music box on a pedestal...
Wario decided to try to wind it up and listen to it's melody, but however much he tried to turn the key, it wouldn't move! Wario, thinking that the thing was busted, turned to leave when suddenly, he finds himself in an unfamiliar location... Suddenly, a voice by a hidden figure tells Wario that the world he is in was made by Tiger21820, and that the hidden figure was the sage Tiger appointed to protect his world... The hidden figure then explained to Wario that a wicked being invaded Tiger's world, sealing him (Tiger) away, and that 5 music boxes were needed to release the seal holding Tiger and free him... Wario was told that if he frees Tiger, then Tiger would be able to return Wario back to his own world... Wario didn't think much of this story, so he sort of shrugged at it, but the hidden figure then added that if Wario find any treasure during this quest, he will be able keep all of it! This DEFINITELY got Wario interested in the whole quest, so after some thinking, Wario gleefully agrees to rescue Tiger in exchange for all the treasure he can find! Wario leaves the temple and begins the most CHALLENGING quest Wario will EVER face!

Wario, after shedding much blood, sweat, and tears, while also heavy with treasure eventually finds the 5 music boxes, returns to the temple, where is praised by the hidden figure for a job well done! The hidden figure tells Wario to use the 5 music boxes to break Tiger's 'seal', which Wario obeys... After the music boxes finished their song, the temple starts violently shaking, and crumbling, and once subsiding, reveals that the evil clown has once again been freed with all his evil magic restored! Wario could not believe what he saw! The clown laughs maniacally, and reveals to Wario that Tiger was trapped in his body the whole time, and will now do the same to Wario! Wario fights the clown to avoid being trapped into his body (and to take revenge for being used), eventually destroying the ugly abomination once and for all!

Upon the clown's destruction, the evil magic cast upon the music box world began to reverse itself, causing every skull tile to vanish, all the inhabitants to return to their normal selves, and finally freeing Tiger from his imprisonment! Tiger, along with the world inhabitants, thanks Wario for saving them, and Tiger introduces himself as the creator of the world... He explains to Wario about everything mention in the beginning of the story (re-read if you forgot!)... After Tiger tells Wario about the clown trapping him into his body, all of the inhabitants upon Wario's arrival to the cursed world were afraid that Wario would free the clown, tried to stop Wario from doing so (Wario was unaware that he was being used), but never could have imagined that Wario would be able to destroy that clown! Tiger tells Wario that he and the other inhabitants are forever in Wario's debt for freeing them from the clown, and to show their gratitude, they give Wario every last bit of treasure he has collected on his quest, much to Wario's delight, and approval! Tiger finally returns Wario, along with his treasure back to his own world, and all lived happily ever after!

When people play the hack, it really means the world to me, so thank you very much for taking interest in Wario Land 3 The Master Quest!
For the upcoming Release #022, I will reveal that Anonster (the Spider Boss of Out of the Woods), after being dormant in the game's code for so long, will be returning to Wario Land 3 Master Quest! However... he WILL NOT be replacing Doll Boy in Out of the Woods (though that WAS the plan, to prevent speedrunners from circumventing the boss and getting the treasure immediately), no, he'll be the boss of someplace even more sinister... I had to restart over 20 times trying to beat him... It's that hard!

What level is it? I'M NOT TELLING YOU! YOU'RE JUST GOING TO HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL RELEASE #022 COMES OUT SOME TIME NEXT YEAR! HA!!! But to those who play this hack regularly, (if anyone here even DOES!) you're going to hate me for it!

Fine, I'll tell you: It's the boss of Above the Clouds (The hardest level in the game), who is guarding the final music box... It is the single hardest treasure (not to mention, the LAST ONE! But wasn't it already?) in the game, putting S5 Green, N4 Green, S1 Red, S2 Blue, and W6 Red (The other 5 hardest treasures in the game) to utter shame! It's a perfect final 100th treasure!

Top 6 hardest treasures in Wario Land 3 Master Quest!

#6 S1 Red
#5 S2 Blue
#4 W6 Red
#3 N4 Green
#2 S5 Green
#1 S6 Blue

Edit: Don't feel like making a consecutive post here just to say that I have seriously been replaying Wario Land 3 Master Quest over and over again because I love it that much!
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Merry Christmas Wario Forums! Release #022 is out! Not counting Release #021, it's been almost a year since an update, but it takes a year to make such a huge update!