[Poll] The Crazy Galaxy thread of conspiracy theories

Is it real?


    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • It existed.

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • is joke

    Votes: 8 53.3%

  • Total voters
It'd be nice to see the concept of it brought to life, though not as a full game imo, at least not a big one. Mainly just because if they did a game that focused on Ashley, I'd prefer it to focus on the current version of her. What I'd roughly envision an Ashley game would be to travel through all kinds of strange worlds like she's shown to do in previous games, some with very odd and unique themes. Crazy Galaxy could be one of those, or at least a side game of some sort.
I really like the rocker outfit for Ashley and the new characters so I'd rather see Crazy Galaxy happen as is (only change I'd make is replace not-penny with the genuine article or retool her design to be more distinct).
nintendo hq after i bombarded it just to get that one prototype of crazy galaxy
so, yesterday i decided to ask charles martinet of all people (him bc he’s the only major nintendo employee that would definitely reply back to your emails) to ask him about what the hell happened to crazy galaxy… of all things.
the next day he replied saying he didn’t knew nothing about it
So yeah, even asking major nintendo employees about an over obscured 5 year old joke is still not enough
huge loss honestly


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so, yesterday i decided to ask charles martinet of all people (him bc he’s the only major nintendo employee that would definitely reply back to your emails) to ask him about what the hell happened to crazy galaxy… of all things.
the next day he replied saying he didn’t knew nothing about it
So yeah, even asking major nintendo employees about an over obscured 5 year old joke is still not enough
huge loss honestly

Tbh I think it was to be expected; I mean, even major employees, especially the ones that aren't actively into PR and advertising -such as Martinet in this case- don't know everything there is to know about the company they're working for, and their fanbase.
I was curious what the full text of the presentation says and DeepL had issues with some parts so I asked someone to translate the whole thing. Here it is (translaiton by WindiiGitlord)

Up first is the "Badge Arcade Direct!"

Did you get the invitation?! We're about to present our new game!

Let's not waste time and start strong! The title is Crazy Galaxy!

Crazy Galaxy... directly translated, it means "galaxy that went insane"!

And the main characters are five students who attend school to become astronauts!

All the characters are new, except Ms. Ashley! Or rather, Ms. Ashley is almost a different person!

The five are sent to the edge of the universe in a mysterious accident during a spacecraft practical exercise!

They meet strange aliens at the edge of the universe and fight and befriend them!

They return to Earth after a tour of the insane galaxy! That's Crazy Galaxy!

It's finally announced! Any questions so far?!

Oh! Good question! You're curious about the gameplay, aren't you?!

But for now... I want to tell you, but it's a secret! I don't want its elements to be ripped off!

It's not like I haven't thought of anything, okay?! I'll just give you one hint!

The player's role is to be the students' teacher and guide them to Earth!

That's all for the hints! I hope you can imagine the rest!

Next, we introduce the characters! These are the five crew members who have been sent to the edge of the galaxy!

Rough illustrations from the development stage are now available to the public! This is Cocomin, who is in charge of cooking!

It seems to be her policy to trip people up by making curry ingredients out of unsightly looking foodstuffs!

Anna is a mechanic who modifies the car-like spaceship and creates useful items!

But in fact, she is not very good with machines, and is a hard worker who manages to do things by searching on the Internet!

Claudia is in charge of battling aliens! She reminds them how the earthlings are nothing to scoff at!

If she reminds them of that too much, she might just destroy the entire alien civilization!

Vanessa is armed with a megaphone-style gun! She is in charge of talking with aliens!

I hear that her goal is to become a Straw Millionaire on a cosmic scale?! I hope she will be a good communicator!

And Ms. Ashley, who has switched her cane for a guitar! Maybe she looks more mature now?!

It is said that she will appear as an enemy in Crazy Galaxy!

I hope they can make up and return to earth! Fighting among women is scary, you know!

By the way, the five badges are divided into five units of equal difficulty for each character...

So please think of it as a popularity contest and choose the unit of your favorite girl to play!

That's all I can introduce, but is there anything else you're interested in?!

What is the release date? I think it will be released before the 2020 Tokyo Olympics!

Ah! Do you think that's a long time?! It takes time to make a game, you know?!

It's too serious for an April 1 story, so wouldn't you read too much into it?!

But hey! If you believe it, it might be true! Today may be the beginning of a legend!

It would provide a real boost if we could get messages of support from our customers!

After all, it's pretty rare these days for a game to be released that is not a sequel to a major work!

Anyway! We award you with free play to celebrate the new title announcement!

By the way, for today's event... I did it without consulting the big-wigs at all!
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Had a friend surprised me by sneaking some familiar faces in his university newspaper's funnies section. It made my goddamn day lol

The wait for Crazy Galaxy continues... (comic by RHG1951)


At the time I might not have been totally receptive to an Ashley game unless I saw that it was actually great but in these WarioLand-less times I'll take whatever new spin off series, why not have an Ashley game. I love WarioWare but at this point it's not any more exciting than "look the new Nintendo has a new Mario kart" and I don't mean that as an insult but whatever it is they put out if it isn't Ware it'll get wow factor from me. Ashley's Crazy Galaxy for Holiday 2025 window? Sign me up bub