Since we'll be getting challenges weekly for the foreseeable future, I thought it'd be fun to make a thread for anything people have to say about them. Posting scores, bragging about it, etc. They look to be rather interesting.
...Please don't make me play as 9-Volt again, though.
I thought I wasn't going to do these unless I had done more in the game, but I did anyway and I was surprised at how addictive it was (so much it made 9-volt my most played and successful character, eh). Kinda wish I had leveled him up before that.
For Week 3 (that is, the Wario Cup that started on ~21 September), I got a best time of 0:37.28. Since I don't have NSO, there's no point chasing any faster time than that.
It's... a rather interesting challenge. This time I achieved using Ashley, Wario and 5-Volt, chosen as I thought they'd be the best overall at quick responses. The Wayward Water microgame overall being the hardest for them, especially using 5-Volt. (Mike would probably be better overall than Ashley given the microgames presented.)
Being four hours until the challenge ends, I thought I'd get my opinion out on it now rather than after. When Week 4's cup starts, I'll definitely post my impressions on that too.
Despite the challenge description and title, no, there isn't any temperature change gimmicks.
This week's cup, Fire and Ice is all about microgames that change scenery between hot and cold alternatively. Luckily, it seems the set order of Week 1's cup returns (albeit with a different microgame set), so it should be possible to master the microgames with some practice.
I got a score of 1,724 using Jimmy T and 5-Volt, chars that had a high enough score while not being literally uncontrollable. Maybe once I master the 14 microgames on display, I'll be able to play higher scorers such as Kat.
Edit: Looks like I won't have to, however. Got a score of 2,709 despite a couple false starts with the same crew. Was finally able to move to Better Mortal status too.
Week 5 brings the very first simultaneous control stage! Which was in the rules screen, but never used until now.
This cup, Pyoro, Pyoro!, forces you to play as Pyoro, but two of them. Much like the Week 2 cup, it's endless until losing all four lives, this time with this mode's actual life counters. Note that microgames are upgraded to multiplayer difficulty as well, posing even more of a tough challenge.
On my first run, I made it to 14 games with a score of 2,508. This is going to be a hard one.
This one particularly is hell with two Pyoros. I don't think I've won it without some mindless control stick flicking and accidentally popping the ghost balloons. I think player characters count to popping it, though?
This one particularly is hell with two Pyoros. I don't think I've won it without some mindless control stick flicking and accidentally popping the ghost balloons. I think player characters count to popping it, though?
I think that one is doable, you have to focus on one Pyoro at a time. The ice cream and "Flip him rightside up!" games are worse because the other Pyoro by default will sabotage you.
Now for another Time Attack + fixed crew, but multiple! Week 6 is quite hard, but overall not as hard as the previous week.
Odd Ones Out forces you to play as Kat, Jimmy T and Lulu, in that order. 16 microgames to beat, and of course, losing will cost you dearly in time. Pretty difficult on the whole, but not impossible
For some reason, microgame 2 trips me up all the time, maybe because of Jimmy's movement style. With my first run ending on 2 minutes, we've still got much more to go.
Disc Jockey asks you to play as 18-Volt in the first conventional endless Score Attack. Luckily, I'm not too shabby with him, so I managed a score of 9,431 over 49 rounds. It seems also that the microgames in cycle are limited, though I'm not sure in what way.
Week 8 took me a while to find the time to complete, but when I did, I stopped at nothing but perfection.
High Speed Test-o-Rama is an evolution of Week 3's Timed IQ Test-o-Rama, but is now a Score Attack. It's still played at quite high speed, but at least you'll now stick with one crew member til the end, rather than a cycle of three.
I ended up with a score of 5,904 with Young Cricket, with not a single failed microgame.
Week 9 of the Wario Cup review thead sees us back into another Double Play challenge.
All Hail the Taxi Drivers is a mixture of the Week 3 and Week 5 challenges, asking you to score as quickly as possible on a timed basis in the same speed (just like Week 3), using two characters perfect for the Double Play paradigm, Dribble and Spitz (like Week 5).
Week 9 of the Wario Cup review thead sees us back into another Double Play challenge.
All Hail the Taxi Drivers is a mixture of the Week 3 and Week 5 challenges, asking you to score as quickly as possible on a timed basis in the same speed (just like Week 3), using two characters perfect for the Double Play paradigm, Dribble and Spitz (like Week 5).
I haven't managed a Gold yet,, but I'll keep trying. I'll update this score when I do.
Nice save! So Kneady has cost me quite a few retries when my strategy of just shooting while the dough is in between left it flying towards the floor, but not as many as Rock Candy has cost me. It seems the Food microgames in this challenge are generally painful.
re latest challenge: How in hell are you supposed to do the "Remove the syllables" game? I know you're supposed to "merge" Dribble and Spitz by moving into the corner, but when I do that and try to remove the one in the middle, they end up shooting the next syllable anyway