The Worst Movie Ever Review (but is this related to Wario enough?)


GB/DS Game Developing ATM

We get it Wario should never be related to this but I feel this is what can teach a lot about how to make a good comedy with Wario or at least explain why it wouldn't work as a marketable option. But seriously this movie has stereotypes, poorly written humor from a cultural perspective, and the key thing about this movie is it's a weird comedy from the GBC - early GBA era with a similar name to a spin-off Wario DS title. Was this intended to be the Super Mario Super Show live action because of the turtle scene? Is Rotton Tomatoes really that one sided? Okay, I understand it's a bad movie and the guywiththeglassesface had some respectable criticisms but I'm just not mature enough to understand. It's like saying junior-ized/juvenile things are bad and this was a waste of money. That is only correct up to an extent imo, even Lego had sets with huge pieces but now they've learned from 2001 and instead made easy-to-build sets with a similar thought in mind but more cost effective.
Master of Disguise? That's a pretty amusing name for a bad movie which unintentionally has a lot in common with the Wario series. Especially given how we got an actual game called that a bit later, and that was also terrible!
I wasn't trying to be insulting. Your OP is legitimately hard to understand.
Whoops. My bad >.> yeah the Nostalgia Critic must be insane trying to make more jokes and gain popularity out of something people recognize as not good movies but yeah I personally prefer AVGN over him even though they both give the same vibe (AVGN only half the time and he's more relatable as an internet personality).
I'll be honest, when I first saw the film's name, I immediately thought of Wario.

It sounds like Happy Madison's film is worse than the Wario game. While I didn't enjoy the latter, it at least has defenders. Heck, just looking at the review convinces me that I'd defend Wario: Master of Disguise before even considering a defense for Happy Madison's Master of Disguise.

At least Wario's game didn't make fun of a woman for having a small butt. I question how that managed to fly, even.
I'll be honest, when I first saw the film's name, I immediately thought of Wario.

It sounds like Happy Madison's film is worse than the Wario game. While I didn't enjoy the latter, it at least has defenders. Heck, just looking at the review convinces me that I'd defend Wario: Master of Disguise before even considering a defense for Happy Madison's Master of Disguise.

At least Wario's game didn't make fun of a woman for having a small butt. I question how that managed to fly, even.
Why would you defend Happy Madison's ANYTHING?