Wario Fan Supreme
The Marvel Cinematic Universe, as well as the superhero movie genre in general, is a complete overrated bore-fest with only a few of its films actually standing out as anything exceptionally above average-level "good" in the grand scheme of things:
- The Iron Giant, which is hands-down the greatest Superman film anyone could ever hope to make
- The original Incredibles, before its sequel came along and turned out to be one of the most lazily written cash grabs in history
- The Dark Knight Returns, which I actually find to be a far better-written, albeit less original, film than The Dark Knight proper
- Spider-Man 2, albeit mostly thanks to Doctor Octopus
- The original 2012 Avengers, simply due to how much it utterly perfects its genre and style in nearly every possible way
- Spider-Man 1, despite the fact that it made Green Goblin look laughably ridiculous and was kind of a joke when compared to Spider-Man 2
- The Dark Knight for much of the same reason as Avengers 2012, despite the fact that it takes itself WAY too seriously for its own good
- The original Tim Burton duology Batman movies, before the astonishingly crap-tacular Joel Schumacher duology came along to effectively ruin everything about its predecessor
- Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse for basically being Black Panther done right in addition to having quite possibly THE greatest art style to ever grace film
- Avengers: Infinity War, when considering how impressively it turned out for being the comically overblown third film of a superhero trilogy
- Superman 1978, if only for how amazing it was back at the time when it initially came out (also, that theme song; seriously, THAT theme song)
- Captain America: Winter Soldier, mainly for having one of the first actually deep plots in a superhero film
- Logan for effectively being Wolverine meets The Last Of Us meets The Dark Knight
- X2 for basically being what the first X-Men film from 2000 should have been
- V For Vendetta, despite the fact that it is somehow pretentious enough to make The Dark Knight seem modest about itself
- Robocop and the Terminator duology, both of which also need absolutely no introduction whatsoever
- The first two (or three) Star Wars films, before the main film series devolved into the mediocre, pandering crap that it is now
- Big Hero 6, even if it does objectively pale in comparison to The Iron Giant in pretty much every way besides maybe visuals
- The first MCU Iron Man film, before the entire trilogy devolved into yet another pointless Avengers advertisement like the Thor one