I'm getting really, really sick of the terrible rap Ashley's fans as a whole are getting because of maybe 3 people being extreme about it, and the rest being 4chan's /v/ just being themselves. Every single time I see Ashley mentioned on /v/, the same word is thrown around: "pedos." No matter what, it always goes to that, or talking about how Ashley's fanbase was "always obnoxious" when it was just a few certain people making the threads over and over again, but /v/ being /v/ (and ignoring what isn't in their current favor in an argument) just decided that Ashley isn't allowed to have fans that aren't also pedophiles. You can like K. Rool without wanting to bang crocodiles, but you are not allowed to like Ashley without it being sexual in nature.
This, unfortunately, has made its way over to Twitter, which is going to make people who like her look even worse to people who aren't normally interested in video games. It somewhat reminds me of that huge thing over Fire Emblem having the headpats and touching removed, where one person said "well a true fan wouldn't want that stuff in anyway" without knowing what the actual argument/backlash was even about to begin with. Ashley is going to be forever associated with lolicon artwork (which some people like, I don't judge tastes,) but for those who have no interest in her "like that" whatsoever, she's ruined. Even if she would miraculously get in as DLC, there's going to be some social issue about males playing as her, all thanks to Twitter and /v/ being their usual selves.
tl;dr - Ashley's fans are getting the Waluigi rep but worse, and no sir, I don't like it.