Wario Teaches Typing - A Wario Text Adventure

I just now realised that it's called Wario Teaches Typing becuase you have to type to reply.... Truly my genius know no boundries....
What lore does Wario Teaches Typing have.... (OOC)
We use bold for OOC
Also, uh, I think I'll need Oh Boi to help with this, he's the one who came up with half the things, like self inserting us, but basically, it started as a sequel to Wario Master of Disguise, with a new thief called the Golden Gale, whose actual name is Lord Eclair, but then went awry, first Dedede, Escargoon and Sonic ended up in the TV with him, then Kat and Ana were going to play with Wario, and then they ended up going to Goofy Goober's, Wario ended up getting his ass kicked by Jimmy T, then Wario, Shadow, Knuckles and Waluigi ended up in Shangri-La from Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies. After that, Wario, Sonic and Dedede ended up in the TV again the next day, this time without Escargoon and with Tails. Then I forgot what happened exactly but later on Wario, Shadow, Knuckles and Waluigi ended up in Garten of Banban (Wario shot that place up with the magnum he had from Shangri-La), then Wario, Sonic, Dedede and Tails went to a dead meme land, ended up in hell, met Stolas from Helluva Boss, ended up in some Bible story cartoon movie or something, and then Sonic, Tails and Dedede ended up in Left 4 Dead 2 with Kirby, and
Wario ended up in Left 4 Dead 1 with Sans and Papyrus, as well as Cosmo from Sonic X, then they fought Eclair again in India where Bowser was on vacation. Basically Wario, Sonic and Dedede just end up in the TV, then Wario gets trapped in games with some others, and also introducing most major characters.

Then Wario ended up fighting Jimmy again, this time he won. Then Wario, Tails, Cosmo and Peppino ended up in Call of the Dead, also from Black Ops Zombies. Sonic, Dedede, Kirby, Knuckles, Shadow, Waluigi, Sans and Papyrus were also there, just trapped behind the door like the original Zombies crew in the actual map (but Zombies lore is also a confusing thing, something to probably look up). After completing the easter egg, they ended up back where they were before. After that, they had just a nice relaxing day (filler part) at the beach. Then they went into the TV again, but ended up in an episode of Sonic X (didn't do anything much obviously as to not mess with things, btw the episode in question was Mission Match Up, which basically is Team Chaotix's failed attempts at trying to get Tails and Cosmo together). The next day they went into the TV again, this time with a plan to defeat Eclair again, but it was a trap. Here it branches off into the normal story and the bad ending.

In the bad ending, Bowser, Kat, Ana and Stolas fight Eclair, he becomes an eldritch horror of the same name as his thief name (the Golden Gale), the others escape and go to fight, he absorbs Waluigi, Knuckles and Shadow, Buu style, and then corrupts them. After this, Dedede's team (him, Sans and Kirby) fight Shadow, and they sadly have to kill him, same with Sonic's team (him, Tails and Cosmo), then Wario's team (him, Papyrus and Peppino) fight Waluigi, but apparently they need more help. And this is where the aforementioned self-insertion comes from.

Then they grab Oh Boi, his friend Shadow (called Shadina in the story as to not confuse her with Shadow the Hedgehog), DabbitDaMips (the first author of the story) and me (again, this self-insertion was Oh Boi's idea), then they (we? not sure) got dragged in, and this is where the narrators came in (a narrator was somewhat his idea, but I was the one who said the four of us [who were also going to be the voice actors for it if {or when, I dunno, probably when though} it gets animated {by me}, but then Oh Boi decided we should hire voice actors to make it a slight bit more professional] should all get a narrator character), and then the self-inserted me and my narrator dude fight the corrupted Waluigi as different Smash characters before he becomes "normal" corrupted Waluigi and absorb them (us?), again, Buu style, then get corrupted like before, fight the others, inject them with corruption venom, then instead of becoming corrupted the Chaos Emeralds make them go Super Saiyan, then they almost kill Baker Man and Molten (the narrator guy, named after my Steam/GitHub/Discord name, MoltenDishrag59), but instead the corruption gets killed.

After this they kill the corrupted Waluigi, then they fight the Golden Gale, and now Scratch and Grounder from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Carmen Sandiego, some anime caveman girl and the 4 types of love from the Bible (again, fucking ask Oh Boi, I don't understand either...) are here too? Then the narrators and loves fight the horsemen from The Binding Of Isaac, and then Jojo reference happens. Then after a little bit, they all get Galeem'd by the Golden Gale, then dying.

The normal story has Bowser's crew and him fight Eclair in a Smash Bros style battle, then after beating him everyone goes back, and then Molten and Oh Boi's narrator character end up going through a mysterious door and Oh Boi's friend's narrator and Dabbit's narrator find this out, and that leads up to now.

Also that's not even everything there are some details I forgot to mention

Yes I know damn well I look like Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia going on about Pepe Silvia while I'm explaining this but I don't care

I just now realised that it's called Wario Teaches Typing becuase you have to type to reply.... Truly my genius know no boundries....
I- how have I never noticed that? I literally only noticed the Mario Teaches Typing reference lmao.
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L: Hey, Harris/Conor, let's throw a camera through the door and use a baby monitor to see what happens to it, to try getting an understanding of what happened to Molten and Avaneesh.
HAR/CON: Alright, let me just connect my chest monitor to the camera. And done, let's do it.
L: Yah!
Har/Con: It's been falling for quite a while...
L: Oh, do you think they could survive a fall like that?
Har/Con: Probably.
L: It fell finally. Wait, is that them dead there? And what's that machine with an orange glow?
Har/Con: Didn't we see that when narrating that nightmare before the cooking show? Also I think I hear them breathing.
L: Alright then, that should be fine. Wait, WHY IS THERE A BIG WHITE FLASH?!
Har/Con: Aaaaaand no signal, great, they're cooked.
L: You were the one who was hopeful about their survival, what's wrong?
Har/Con: Either they're dead, or in a different dimension.
L: Wait, you record the footage as it goes, right?
Har/Con: Yeah, why?
L: Slow it down, maybe they made a quick escape.
Har/Con: Alright... Wait, we didn't even need to slow it down, they got up and went through another door.
L: What do you mean?
Har/Con: We just didn't see it because of the machine distracting us.
L: Okay...
Meanwhile, in the door...

L: Wait, there's a nice picnic going on and I think we should focus on that for a while.
Har/Con: Alright, let's do that.

S: Alright everyone, let's just enjoy a bit of a picnic and hope nobody just shows up.
W: We need some time off from the chaos, even our time at the beach yesterday had a bit of it.
Meanwhile, at a random location...
M: The falling stopped, we should be able to get out now. Hey, uh, are you there?
Avaneesh is unconscious
Molten nudges Avaneesh's face and opens the door.
Av: What is it?
M: We're out the other side now. Av: Let's see what waits here.