In his own games, usually artwork for said games but in some of them too, he's white as heck. In Mario games, and artworks/renders for them, he's either tan or "brown." There's even a bunch of artworks for Virtual Boy Wario Land that show him with light skin, but one for then SAME GAME has him "brown." And his nose... Usually bubblegum pink, but sometimes hot pink and sometimes red.
Oh and I won't forget the hair. Usually light brown, sometimes a darker brown, sometimes so light brown that it's orange-ish or even blonde-ish! And that mustache... As Wario-Man in twisted and one point in diy showcase it's red.
Oh and I won't forget the hair. Usually light brown, sometimes a darker brown, sometimes so light brown that it's orange-ish or even blonde-ish! And that mustache... As Wario-Man in twisted and one point in diy showcase it's red.