Poll What do you guys honestly think of shipping Wario with...Ashley?

Is it okay if Wario goes on a date with Ashley?

  • Yes-Wario can date with Ashley...anytime!

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Yes-Wario can date with Ashley only...Ashley has to be an adult.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No-Wario and Ashley? Not a good idea...

    Votes: 26 81.3%
  • Whatever-Wario doesn't care if he date with Ashley or not.

    Votes: 2 6.3%

  • Total voters
I mean, if you're talking about shipping those two together, I'd still be sketchy if it was real life. But with fiction, It's a bit easier to be lenient with age differences. (What I mean here, is that a 15 year old dating a 17-year old and up can get weird, because that's the period when mental differences are pretty heavy. It's not as bad as if the latter person was older, but I'm always sort of wary.)
"Mona is a teenager attending high school"

Shipping Mona with Wario is wrong now?! Not even Mona, darn. Nobody can be shipped with Wario (with Waluigi I guess but...ew.)
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! oh mY GOD!!! My OTP~~~ <3 <3 <3 Tru Wav has been achieeeeeeeved~~~ >:3 I love this ship I'll fight anyone who deniiiiies it~! Come on Magma-baka, try and take me down, but the power of true yaoi love witll always triumph~~~~~

Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go bash my head into a wall.
That reminds me, this guy loved PJ, but really this guy was a girl all a long, she was just pretending to be a man, or was she? Since this girl loved all sorts of fictional females we assumed her a male, also the way she talked too, really male like.

Wasn't until a few months ago we knew the truth.