When's Wario World coming to the Virtual Console?


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
Cause weirdly, that seems to be one of the last Wario games left not on the service. Wario Land Shake It is there. Most WarioWare games are there. Heck, even Master of Disguise is available on it in North America!

So when we getting Wario World? Because I'm sure a lot of people would love the chance to play it. Heck, I'd love the chance to play it, given how I missed the game the first time around.

But what do you think? When will Nintendo put Wario World on the Virtual Console or eShop?
Nintendo needs to put gamecube games on NX. Who knows why they didn't with Wii U. I heard the Wii U actually has the hardware to run gamecube games natively. Seems like a missed opportunity.
The Wii U is capable of being backwards compatible with Gamecube games but I wonder if we would've ever seen that feature.
Despite its flaws, Wario World is one of my all-time favourite titles. I use it as a way to relieve anger (Wario is suitably overpowered compared to his larger/massive foes). The game had all the right tools/mechanics but completely under-utilised them due to being rushed and continuously rebuilt. A tragic waste of potential.

I get the feeling it would be the last GameCube title considered in the lineup. It practically had NO promotion in most territories (the US had that marvelous TV commercial). It just sort of came out, and you either caught it or missed it.
CM30, sometimes you ask really obvious questions.
The only reason there's no Wario World on VC is that there's no Gamecube VC games in general.
The WiiU could've had Gamecube VC games but no controller had pressure sensitive L&R buttons.

But then they made new gamecube controllers and an adapter but ONLY ONE GAME SUPPORTS IT. LIKE WHAT!?!?!?
It would've been the perfect opportunity to release gamecube games.

So... let's just hope the NX either has pressure sensitive L&R buttons or supports the gamecube adapters and actually uses them.
Despite its flaws, Wario World is one of my all-time favourite titles. I use it as a way to relieve anger (Wario is suitably overpowered compared to his larger/massive foes). The game had all the right tools/mechanics but completely under-utilised them due to being rushed and continuously rebuilt. A tragic waste of potential.

I get the feeling it would be the last GameCube title considered in the lineup. It practically had NO promotion in most territories (the US had that marvelous TV commercial). It just sort of came out, and you either caught it or missed it.

I loved Wario World too.

and I know what you mean about the promotion, I remember thinking it very strange that the first ever 3D Wario platformer wasn't being talked about to hell and back.