Why do women love Orbulon?

Well that's harsh isn't it?

My experience has been that the Wario fanbase has included some of the nicest people I've ever met, and has generally more sane than that for other video game franchises.
I'm not saying for ONE MOMENT there aren't great people here.
Just... between the Orbulon and Ashley stuff...
Although, could be warped perception from the internet showing me the crazy 1% and leaving out the other, normal 99%.
Para ser honesto, I think every fandom has a few people like that, as much as you might like it or dislike it. I totally agree with what CM30 said though, us Wario fans are a friendly bunch!
Yeah, such people seem much rarer in the Wario fanbase. Especially when compared to the fanbase for something like Sonic the Hedgehog, Final Fantasy or Pokemon.
Yeah, such people seem much rarer in the Wario fanbase. Especially when compared to the fanbase for something like Sonic the Hedgehog, Final Fantasy or Pokemon.
I agree. Belive me, there are way worse fandoms out there! Besides, Wario’s fandom is pretty tame, since people are often pretty nice ( kinda like the warioware employers ) and they often find the Wario series interesting, since it is based on a guy that is least expected to like, and yet we somehow love him.

But yeah, it is still pretty harsh that someone calls people weird for liking a certain character. Belive me, there are some people out there, but these people aren’t. They just having fun, give ’em a break.
As I see it, most of the Ashley and Orbulon loons that have this kind of "character supremacy" aren't true WarioWare fans to begin with. They only care about that one character they like, and that's it.
I agree. I do love Orbulon, but i love all characters equally. I love Dribble and Spitz for an example, and i also like reading about other characters, like Penny, Dr. Crygor and more, not just one character. It is kinda sad that people just focus on one character, like Ashley and that's it, when there are alot of characters that need as much attention.