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So, I decided to try to make the WarioWare: Get it Together booklet and I sturggled. It's bad enough that I suck at crafting but as an added malus it's in a languagae I can't understand. At last, I was able to make it even though it looks really unpolished. (Also, it's really easy, I'm just bad at this).
Now at least I have something in my case aside from the disclaimer that tells you to take a break for 15 minutes every hour.


I beat the Plutonia Experiment! I liked this one a lot more than TNT Evilution. People hype up the difficulty a lot, but either I am better than I thought or people are bullshitting. Not sure which. Had lots of fun, even with the fucking ARCH-VILE MAZE!!!!
Just did my first casual 31 stars speedrun of Super Mario 64. I didn't look up a route or anything juts kinda did what I thought was faster. I got 1h 09mn 09sec. Honeslty it was pretty fun, the only thing that annoyed me was the last Bowser course. I kept falling off because of tyring to go too fast. I lost like 10 minutes because of it.
The 3rd Wario Brother
The 3rd Wario Brother
I always felt like Bowser in the sky was a stupid easy course to go through for the last level, but that last Bowser fight? Either 2 seconds or 15 hours no in-between
Yeah... it's really easy. I just missed my last long jump and fell all the way down like a morron. 10/10 would do again
For Wahctober, I will either post a new soundfont cover or a bit of art (be it a little piece of a bigger project or the entirety of a small project) every day, and then hopefully post both a cover and my finished big project in time for Wahloween. Who knows, I may even do multiple per day, spooky or not. WAHAHAHA
Progress update on WarioWare: Computed! since switch to GMS2 :

The game is still being worked on. I've basically fully finished the code for the stage (the thing that plays microgames and bosses) as well as implemented 9 microgames and a boss.

Keep in mind that I do a lot of things aside from making this fangame so that's why the devloppment may seem slow. Also, I have a lot more to add to the game. Expect the demo to come out around March 2025.

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"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."
Don't worry, the "releases in March 2025" thing is just so I have a dead line and don't procrastinate. If I need a little more time to polish the game, I'll take that time.

I beat TNT Evilution! Quite a few of the levels are cool, but there was a lot of stinkers. The Icon of Sin fight was fucking annoying!! They put the weak point for the boss on the brow rather than the BIG ASS OPENING IN THE BRAIN

Also you get to see where my title is from
UPDATE: I officially found the song I was looking for! I randomly heard it today and was able to Shazam it, and it is super catchy!

Fitting too because that is my last day at that job. It was a great day because I got to say goodbye to my coworkers and saw some regulars. Pretty soon I am going to Spain to teach English, and I am super excited (and scared) to start this new chapter in my life, involving what I love, languages. Wish me luck guys!
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Have you become a cat? Perhaps even cursed by an extremely greedy spirit who has stolen all your wealth?
But are you actually dead though
Yes, I am here to haunt you all!
Shit, lemme get my handbook officially written by Wario on how to deal with spectres and similar things...
Get with Luigi, he might know some things. He was in a mansion after all.
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I think everyone should put 66 instances of their names on my profile
You were really bored that day, huh ?
I was spreading the great message that was myself......