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Finally installed Ubuntu on my machine. I wanted to do it a long time ago but I had a lot of very specific issues with my old computer.
Update, pretty sure the bite might be getting infected! There are actually three areas where the cat's teeth punctured my finger, but the other two look to have scabbed without issue. Moral of the story? Cats are assholes sometimes
What's popping, Wario Nation, I got bit by a fucking cat and I am pretty sure the bite will get infected. Place your bets on if it will get infected or not.
Damn, will I become like, Cat Care or some shit? Or will I have a violent infection that sprays pus at like 200 mph that I can use to my advantage somehow?
I mean technically speaking all contagious sicknesses can be used as weapons by sneezing at your enemies to harm them.
I think to utilize an infection offensively though, I'd probably have to have prolonged contact with an open sore or something? Just long enough for some bacteria to jump ship
What lie could have Wario said to have his pants on fire ?
Wario tried to be humble for once. This is why he's so honest about his godly physique and wealth.
God I need to check for forum updates more often... it's been months now.
La la la la la
If you didn't think then would you be able to come up with this brilliant combination of aliiteration and assonance that is "La la la la la" (l. 1). The phrase seems childish at first, looking rather simple. However "La" corresponds to the A music note in the Italian/European Notation meaning this could be written "5 × a" which reminds one of arithmetic literal equal to a multiple of 5 with a ∈ ℤ. Furthermore, "La" in many Latin languages means "The" which is an article much like "A", which we establaished earlier also corresponds to "La", concluding the phrase full cricle.

In conclusion, "La la la la la" is commentary on how the cycle of life may seem eternal and shows how with few communication, one can convey a complex thought.
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The true meaning of me randomly commenting some lyrics from an old song... simply mindblowing
What 5 hours of litterature class a week does to someone.
Today is in the 40s (a high of about 47F, or about 14C), and that's a nice break from the cold, like when a couple weeks ago we got close to zero, and even BELOW zero at times
Wait ? Isn't 47°F like 8°C... I swear temperature conversions are so confusing.
Baker Man
Baker Man
Sorry, I did the calculation in my head lmao
January 26, the 2nd anniversary of Pizza Tower
I guess I shall reveal a project I wish to do to celebrate (obviously gonna probably do some art today too, gotta sleep first, it's just after midnight for me):

I'm going to try to learn how to use CYOP (Create Your Own Pizza)/AFOM (Another Fixed Objects Mod), a level editor so you can make levels or even whole towers, and recreate one of our favorite man in yellow and purple's greatest achievements, Wario Land 4 on the Gameboy Advance.

Update: Hey, uh, little issue that I thought about just after posting this.
In WL4 there's:
- Swimmable water
- The Wario Land 4 OST, not the Pizza Tower OST
-Blocks affected by gravity, such as in Toy Block Tower
-A hub area with 4 worlds that you can play in any order you want, but the levels are in a linear order in each world, and you fight the final boss after beating all the worlds, as opposed to Pizza Tower's 4 worlds in linear order but you can play the levels on said world in any order you want.
The 3rd Wario Brother
The 3rd Wario Brother
I can't offer any advice on making Pizza Tower levels never did that but best of luck, the idea sure sounds like lots of work

Did you guys know WarioWare: Get It Together! has a Russian localization? Makes you wonder why they did not do the same for Move It!... maybe budgeting reasons?
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I always wondered what languagesother countries without proper localisation get as default. I'm guessing it's probably English except for maybe some African countries that get French due to it being spoken there, even if not the official language.
English, for better or for worse, is the international language of travel and trade, so yeah it is the "default" one that people and companies go for. As someone whose first language is English... I can only imagine what it is like to learn it!

But yeah, there are a good number of Francophone countries (in places like Africa) and French is the second most learned language in the world believe it or not.
I kinda wanna add to the Christmas special, but we're far beyond Christmas at this point and I don't wanna do it if it seems like I'm heckling (did I use that word right? Idk what word to use) Oh Boi
Honestly, I'm really glad the Wario fanbase isn't as divided as the Sonic or Paper Mario fandom.

Usually when a game diverges and changes how its style completely, it leads to toxic exchange between old and newer fans. I expected that between Land and Ware fans but I found surprisingly few scenarios like that. Maybe it's because the Wario fandom is relatively small ? But eh... I prefer it that way if it means we stay chill.

Also I don't hang out on modern social media often so... Maybe I'm just oblivious.
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The Wario fanbase is pretty chill in general, especially compared to other video game fanbases.

The fact the series changes things up with every other installment probably reduces the feeling of "why did they change this beloved formula?" too...