Puyo Puyo

At least there were the DiscStation shorts:

But, yeah kinda odd that that's it, I mean with SEGA it's to be expected, because until the past few years they generally kept Puyo at a surprisingly low profile, but given how much Compile used to milk the franchise I'm surprised there never was a full on anime or even just OVA.

Yeah, I've seen the 9 shorts on YouTube. I should probably mention that I've heard that there's supposedly a LOT more Puyo DiscStation shorts, but you can only find them on NicoNico. I mean, don't quote me on this.

Honestly, unless it's Sonic the Hedgehog, SEGA wouldn't give you the time of day on television, but Compile is a WHOLE different story. Like you said, with the way Compile milked the series, ESPECIALLY in the late 90's, I can't believe that Puyo Puyo's NEVER had at least a movie.

By the way everyone, I wanted to share my wishlist of Puyo Tetris (and future Puyo games released in the West) voice actors with you, if you don't mind. By the way, this is (for the most part) IGNORING what we've heard so far.

Arle - Cristina Valenzuela (Cristina Vee)
Amitie - Carrie Savage
Ringo - Cherami Leigh
Carbuncle would keep his JP voice, alongside others such as Dongurigaeru, Onion Pixy and others like them.
Rulue - Karen Strassman
Schezo - Johnny Yong Bosch
Satan - Matt Mercer
Draco - Cassandra Lee-Morris
Witch - Christine Marie Cabanos
Suketoudara - Ted Lewis
Raffine - Kari Wahlgren
Sig - Ben Diskin
Klug - Erica Mendez
Rider - Stephanie Sheh
Tarutaru - J. Michael Tatum
Lemres - Lex Lang
Feli - Laura Bailey
Ms. Accord and Popoi - Lauren Landa
Yu and Rei - Janice Kawaye
Risukuma - Travis Willingham
Maguro - Roger Craig Smith
Ecolo - Todd Haberkorn

So....what do you think?
I’d have to listen more into a few of this actor’s previous voice work, but I do like a lot of these choices, especially Johnny Yong Bosh for Schezo, that’s one I actually had on my mind as well.

Roger Craig Smith for Maguro certainly is an interesting choice and the guy is a good actor, though to be honest I have a hard time listening to him without having any of his other unrelated roles in my head, so I could see that being a bit distracting for me.
So I read the first post and I still dont follow. What is a puyo, how does one puyo, what can I puyo on? These are the greatest questions I have asked myself on this valentines day

Puyo is a game originally released as "Puyo Pop" in 1991 for the Sega Master system. You play as the titular puyo, and have to connect 4 or more of your like-colored ilk to cause them to disappear. You can puyo on many contemporary videogame consoles such as WiiU, Vectrex and mobile phone.
I’d have to listen more into a few of this actor’s previous voice work, but I do like a lot of these choices, especially Johnny Yong Bosh for Schezo, that’s one I actually had on my mind as well.

Roger Craig Smith for Maguro certainly is an interesting choice and the guy is a good actor, though to be honest I have a hard time listening to him without having any of his other unrelated roles in my head, so I could see that being a bit distracting for me.

Why, thank you! I really thought about this, so I'm glad I have a positive comment so far. If you don't mind me asking, what are your choices for English Puyo voices?

As for Maguro, I should mention that I personally envision him to sound like a MUCH younger Sonic, with the "teenager" aspects being toned down.
Mike Pollock as Amitie, just to mess with everyone.

On a serious note I’d have to get back to you on that, I find Puyo to be a rather hard series to find fitting voices for, though I did think of assembling a list of preffered german voice actors one of these days just for fun and because I’m particulary familiar with german voice actors, due to that being my first language, I don’t expect a german dub for Puyo (though you never know, Sonic didn’t get one until Generations), so it’s really just a ‘‘lulz‘‘ idea.


I said it before that I don't play PPQ and it seems like they won't even be bothering with new artwork, but it's still neat that the PPT cast is going to make some sort of reappearence, since I fully expected them to be a one game only deal.
It seems possible then, that PPT's international success might have more of an impact than we may have thought?
I really don't want to see more of Ringo's ugly grey sweater though.
Still better then her PP7 outfit or most of the new outfits in that game, the only one I liked was Schezo's, shame it had to be in a game where he is not relevant at all, same for Sig in PPT.
I didn't mind it aesthetically but since every female except Rulue had the same outfit for no good reason I would dock points off for that yeah. Looking back, PP7 was a really odd effort.
I heard a lot of stories about 7 being rushed, not sure if there are any real sources for it, but the game does indicate it, with a lot of recycled assets (more then usual), reused dropsets for new characters, some rather awkward new art, unbalanced AI (despite being the villains Dark Arle and Ecolo are absolute piss, even on core AI) as well as some other oddities, like how Schezo sounds like his lines were recorded with a lower quality mic then everyone else.

A really weird game that PP7, can't say that it's a favorite of mine.
I think the fact they collaborated with another studio is another indication that it was rushed. Might also be why there's also inconsistent character designs since Ringo and Draco have noticeably different head shapes from the other characters.

PP7 I'll admit is the game that really solidified my interest in the series. At the time I was not interested in Sonic Team's efforts so seeing some more Madou characters return looked like a return to form sort of thing for me. I also quite liked Ringo as you can tell even though I never really talk about it.

That being said looking back I can't deny that the game did more right than wrong and most of its pros are simply things it inherited. I do quite like the music still.
I'm more forgiving towards 7 itself then many tend to be, I mean I have issues with it, but it still has the typical Puyo gameplay that still works just as well as ever, unbalanced Henshin mode and some odd AI design decisions aside.

Honestly my biggest gripe with 7 is that it started many things that I'm not fond of, like the ''A Trio'' focus (and thus the eternal demotion of Raffine and Sig), introducing yet another new world (though I like the new characters) and tossing essentially all worldbuilding that Fever 2 and 15th estaplished out of the window, the last of which irks me the most.


I said it before that I don't play PPQ and it seems like they won't even be bothering with new artwork, but it's still neat that the PPT cast is going to make some sort of reappearance, since I fully expected them to be a one game only deal.

Wow...So...this is a thing. Well, it'll certainly be interesting to see what this means for PPT in the future.

It seems possible then, that PPT's international success might have more of an impact than we may have thought?
I really don't want to see more of Ringo's ugly grey sweater though.

Personally, I hope so. BTW, while I can't say I was a big fan of Ringo's grey sweater, I will say that I liked how everyone in PPT (Ringo included, obviously) looked a bit older and (IMO) MUCH better proportioned, for the most part.

I didn't mind it aesthetically but since every female except Rulue had the same outfit for no good reason I would dock points off for that yeah. Looking back, PP7 was a really odd effort.

What about Draco? I'm pretty sure PP7 basically used a mix of her Yo~n outfit and the outfit she has now, and added a flame decal to it.

Honestly, I kind of wish her PP7 look was kept for future games, and that it had better artwork than what PP7 was able to provide.

PP7 I'll admit is the game that really solidified my interest in the series. At the time I was not interested in Sonic Team's efforts so seeing some more Madou characters return looked like a return to form sort of thing for me. I also quite liked Ringo as you can tell even though I never really talk about it.

Speaking of Madou-era characters returning to the series, does anyone else feel that Lagnus not returning for PP7 was the BIGGEST missed opportunity of that game?

Honestly my biggest gripe with 7 is that it started many things that I'm not fond of, like the ''A Trio'' focus (and thus the eternal demotion of Raffine and Sig), introducing yet another new world (though I like the new characters) and tossing essentially all worldbuilding that Fever 2 and 15th established out of the window, the last of which irks me the most.

What's more, despite the fact that Risukuma and Maguro (along with Ringo) make up the "ARS trio" of PP7, Risukuma and Maguro didn't even get individual stories for themselves in PP7 and are only playable in one chapter each. Something that just felt kind of...off to me. By the way, I'm not including 20th Anniversary.

At the same time, Rulue, Schezo, Raffine, and Sig all had specific story modes dedicated to them in a mainline Puyo game.
What's more, despite the fact that Risukuma and Maguro (along with Ringo) make up the "ARS trio" of PP7, Risukuma and Maguro didn't even get individual stories for themselves in PP7 and are only playable in one chapter each. Something that just felt kind of...off to me. By the way, I'm not including 20th Anniversary.

At the same time, Rulue, Schezo, Raffine, and Sig all had specific story modes dedicated to them in a mainline Puyo game.

Honestly it's because of this I'm glad that the ARS concept wasn't used in Chronicle, it already had no worth in 7 to begin with, so may as well not even bother. (Sure you could say that it's kinda there with Ally and Rafisol, but even if you count that it's still way different.)
Honestly it's because of this I'm glad that the ARS concept wasn't used in Chronicle, it already had no worth in 7 to begin with, so may as well not even bother. (Sure you could say that it's kinda there with Ally and Rafisol, but even if you count that it's still way different.)

Exactly. I mean, I'm not frustrated with the ARS concept per se, but it DOES feel a bit...unneeded. Especially if they didn't make REAL use of it in PP7, which looking back at that game now, Risukuma and Maguro were VERY underused in that game, and they're Ringo's closest friends. Honestly, I would have been totally OK with the three of them either sticking together and taking on the 7 Puyo masters (Draco, Schezo, Suketoudara, Rulue, Satan, Carbuncle, and Dark Arle), or the three of them split up and take two at a time, and then reunite at Stonehenge against Dark Arle.

Seriously, it sure is a good thing the ARS gimmick appears to have been dropped starting with Chronicles.
@puyokid If you notice in 7, Ringo and Draco are drawn with much narrower heads than the other characters. This was changed for 20th and onward.

@warelander At the time, I actually liked the change in direction since as I said at the time I wasn't interested in Sonic Team's efforts though as I came to like the Puyo series as a whole I did became resentful of these things.
@puyokid If you notice in 7, Ringo and Draco are drawn with much narrower heads than the other characters. This was changed for 20th and onward.

Yeah, I noticed that...Personally, I thought it fit them both. But I guess that's just me. Also, as I mentioned earlier, I really wish the flame decal qipao Draco wore in 7 was kept for future games.
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