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  • That was super intense! I was playing Pinball Zone, got the last treasure and had been trying to go a bit quickly, as it was my second run in a row on the level and I already knew where the piece was. Thus I only had a bit more than 3000 coins. In the middle of the last puzzle room, I only had one heart left AND my time was up. Yet, I decided to take my time (even though it was up ;)), as I didn't want to risk jumping down on one of the spark thingies and dying. I kept a steady pace going, though, and got quite some adrenaline to help me through. Then, the last few rolls to the finish... I made it!!! Now I have 100%ed Pinball Zone! :D
    Boris Carloft's Car Loft
    Boris Carloft's Car Loft
    I love hearing about the different experiences players have with the Wario Land series. Thanks to all the branching paths and stuff to do in each stage, it means that every player will experience it differently.
    Hell yeah, I love gameplay recounts! Nice job on beating Pinball Zone to that extent :D It's definitely one of my favourite levels, particularly on harder difficulties.
    Aah, another status about the Super Mario Galaxy soundtrack: I played it on better speakers. Incredible!! One of my top picks: Bowser Jr. Really, that one is majestic!
    Super Mario Galaxy's music is quite difficult... I've tried to learn some of it for piano before, but didn't succeed.
    Luckily Super Mario 64, Yoshi's Island, and especially the Wario Land series are much more doable and also very nice.
    To once be able to fairly faithfully play Super Mario Galaxy music, though... would be quite amazing.
    Boris Carloft's Car Loft
    Boris Carloft's Car Loft
    I do play piano for my own enjoyment, but I write and arrange orchestral music (mostly VG music). I'm working on an album of orch arrangements for Donkey Kong Country 3 right now. You can go check it out on my SoundCloud.

    I'm also considering doing an album for Wario Land 4...
    Ah, I like that a lot!
    Your avatar is adorable btw : 3
    Its really nothing specific? Haha plushies are usually made to look like some specific thing : p
    Haha, no, I think it's its own thing :p
    I do know of three others of this design, so it's not a unique one. I don't know how I got it, though.
    Haha, I see. Its way awesome at least : p
    Ah, just wanted to state that the Super Mario Galaxy soundtrack is amazing! <3 So many incredible themes in there!!
    I've also been listening to Yoshi's Woolly World. That one is so good!!!
    Really much better than I had expected. I mean, Yoshi's New Island's soundtrack was terrible for the most part, but Yoshi's Woolly World can probably compete with the original Yoshi's Island when looking at the soundtrack!
    (I haven't actually got the game yet, so I don't know about the gameplay)
    Haha SMG definitely had a good soundtrack yeah : p But I generally like the music to like every Mario game ever, including like Mariokart : p I think TTYD had a good soundtrack too.
    Yeah, TTYD is great. I like Mario Kart Wii's music, too. I don't really feel the battle themes, but all other music (excluding some retro themes) I really like.
    I'm also one of the few people who really likes Super Circuit's soundtrack. Most people dislike it, but even though it's compressed too much, I really like the themes themselves.
    The Spunky Monkey micro game is way too easy. I needed to get myself killed or I would've continued until 999.
    I tend to be very careful with giving negative ratings out... except in the case of Wario Man.
    I love how dislike counts as a positive rating :p
    It's super off, but I don't care too much so I think it's kind of funny
    King Hehehe
    King Hehehe
    "I hate what you just said. Good job."
    My setup just got upgraded hugely! Finally I'll be able to work normally again! :D (seriously, it's not fun to record and edit movies with 1024x768 resolution, quite some low RAM, not too great of a cpu and 50 GB of storage...)
    Yoshi's Woolly World is a good example of "too cute to handle". I thought I was quickly going to set a picture from the Nintendo site as my desktop background. It didn't turn out transparent. Oh well, I'll just put it in Paint.net , edit it correctly and then set it as my background, I thought. Oh, and then I could just as well edit the logo in the corner. 45 minutes later... I've now thrown together a complete 1024 * 768 wallpaper, using pictures from the site: http://607.quantumhosting.co/Yoshi's%20Woolly%20World%20Wallpaper.html What do you think of it? I like it a lot!
    Oh, I shouldn't have gotten the last chest before getting the music coins >.< Now I can't save anymore.
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