Baker Man
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  • he finally responded to the drama (vid obviously isn't mine)
    • Informative
    Reactions: Magma
    Decent apology I guess. Other content creators have done far worse things. Guess that means the fun's over though lol
    anyone else intrigued by the mystery behind lost media?
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    "Evil Farming Game"?
    edit: also, I do remember something called "At The Funny Farm", about different animals, I looked it up today, and turns out that's also lost media.
    I'll let you look it up yourself but basically someone claimed to have remembered a game where you have to balance managing a farm and hiding a dead body. A lot of people also remembered it and it became this big wild goose chase to try to track it down.
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    Ah, okay
    hey guys check THIS thread out
    (yes the "BakerMan" there is me)
    I gotta come clean, I'm...
    a fan of horde shooters
    in case you couldn't already tell (CoD zombies, L4D, Payday, etc.)
    I mean that is a pretty cool genre from what I've seen. And based on the popularity of said modes, a lot of people would agree.
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    i mean, i doubt i'm even the only one in the forum to like them
    found a shitpost on a community post while scrolling through youtube.
    who y'all bein? dibs on richtofen (left)
    It's kinda insane isn't it? Can't wait for this place to hit 100K at some point too!
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    Yeah, I can't believe I was here for it, glad to indeed be here for it tho
    we all have problems sometimes, we all have struggles and regrets, but sometimes you just gotta thug it out. this has been a terrible motivational speaker out, peace and good night.
    I've started a Hunger Games thread where I'll be running a Hunger Games simulator with users/characters nominated/submitted by YOU
    new year, got my homie chilling on the couch, he gon be happy when i put my meat inside his mouth
    Merry Christmas and happy Wah-lidays, ya boi got Pizza Tower, Undertale, and the Master Chief Collection cuz I got a Steam gift card.
    I'm thinking of making a thread where the WTT crew reacts to ship art submitted by you guys (not specifically of them, but of a few fandoms, those will be listed in the post), if you comment, either comment why that's a dumbass idea, or whether to put that in the rp section, the ama section, the general wario section, or the gaming section
    tldr: wario and friends react to ship art submitted by fellow users, yes or no? and if yes, where?
    Miss Dreamy
    Miss Dreamy
    Hmm, I think that's a fun idea! I honestly love stuff like that ^^
    I think this sort of idea should be posted in the RP section
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