I got to hang out with an old friend, who brought his copy of Inside Out with him. I never saw the film before, so we watched it and...me and my friend hugged each other more than once.
I got some James Bond movies in a coue of boxes. They didn't put the movies in proper order...fortunately, the movies are in individual cases so you can tss the boxes aside and put the movies in the proper order!
I got some games. I got Back to the Future: The Game on PS4 and Skylanders Superchargers on Wii U. Haven't played the former yet, but the latter's fun, thoughit really feels like DK has been thrown into a strange and unfamiliar land.
Waiting for this one-month period to end...though I will say a long month seems to make up for the rest of the year, where I felt like I was skipping entire months.