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  • I hate making errors. Especially when they're a result of faulty memory.
    Tried to make my new avatar look kinda vintage. Because I could. Not sure I succeeded, but I tried.
    Is there a betrayal contest going on? Because I've been seeing a lot of it the past few months alone...and I hate it.
    Watching Animax's dub of Cardcaptor Sakura...Sakura herself sounds like Raffine at times, though it's only apparent in some areas.
    Oh la ti da
    It's not very blatant, but sometimes, it happens. Though only in certain tones. That said, it doesn't occur most of the time.

    Funny coincidence, though.
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    Reactions: Magma
    Which dub of Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro do I prefer? The Streamline dub or the Animaze (Manga) dub? I dunno; I like 'em both!
    I've been having bad luck with original Xbox controllers. Any suggestions?
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    Reactions: MonaWare
    @Glowsquid Yes.

    @MonaWare There's always something wrong with the buttons. I'm thinking of just giving up and buying an adapter that lets me use PS2 controllers on the thing.
    Literally every controller you have has been broken? Wow. I havent heard that about the xbox controller before. That is bad luck.
    Eh, my original controller S died, butthat was after half-a-decade of abuse. Maybe try buying one in brand new condition?
    Looking at the general reputation of fanfics, as well as some examples of the worst ones, left me with no desire to look up any fanfics of certain franchises. If I wanted character derailment, I'd read One More Day.
    King Hehehe
    King Hehehe
    Fun fact: The longest piece of English literature in existence is a Subspace Emissary fanfic. I hear it's mediocre at best, and falls for many of the classic blunders of fanfiction, like plot-important self-inserts.
    Apparently, new DVDs of Azumanga Daioh are on the horizon. Personally, I'll stick to my old DVD copies, but I'm very happy to know that those who missed out on it will get another chance to experience this wonderful anime.
    Asked on another forum, got no answer, so I'll ask here; how well do the Hyperkin PS1 memory cards work?
    I can't comment on that specific brand, but in my experience, third-party memories cards are garbo that'll always get corrupted eventually, unless they're specifically licensed by the console manufacturer (so mad cat's gamecube memory cards and katana ps2's ones are fine) .
    I see bootleg DVDs on eBay...yet I'm tempted to buy some despite knowing they're bootlegs simply because they're cheaper. :P
    Who knows, maybe'll you find the next Backstrokes of the West.
    *dials 911* i'd like to report illegal sells. *smirks* jk jk!!!
    So tired...I really wish they'd stop putiing me in the peeling line.
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    Reactions: Just a Wario Fan
    Hang in there
    Do you work on an assembly line? And you should judge the work you do with the money you get. If you dont like what youre doing, would it be worth getting a different job you dont hate for slightly less? If not, then then focus on the fact that you get a place to live and food you need from doing the job : p
    I don't hate working in the canning factory as a whole; just the peeling line specifically.
    I think that brief break is over. What'd I miss?
    King Hehehe
    King Hehehe
    I mostly tried to highlight the positive points, but yeah, you didn't miss terribly much. It's good to have you back, at any rate.
    Sakurai's showing off a answer that inferiorise any professional from any company of this planet because of the shoulder bash. Kyon trashing with Ashley to non-related topics to the character. Aside that, everything is normal. Also I'm glad your back. c:
    *Roleplaying with Ash-o-wee.
    Circumstances beyond my control require me to be offline for a week or so. Sorry I had to inform you, but, you know, stuff happens.
    I feel a little better after the tenseness...but I'm still worried about becoming Wario Man 2.0., so I think I should take an opportunity to calm the frak down.
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    Reactions: Nitwit
    Oh, not much. I've just been feeling more and more irritable with all the things I've been through. Like, I've been feeling like snapping at people...even those who don't deserve it. I don't want that at all.

    I'm actually calming down now, but still...
    King Hehehe
    King Hehehe
    Hey, don't worry. I've been reading every post here, and I have no memory of you saying anything inflammatory. I highly doubt you'll ever be something comparable to Wario Man. After all, you said yourself that you're worried about it, which means you don't want to be like that. Even when you're irritable, you're still a nice guy. And as always, we're happy to support you if you ever want to talk about things.
    I think I beat you to Wario Man 2.0 already, I did.
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