Yellow Pyoro
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  • For the next Mario Party, NDcube needs to get rid of the ally system and stop giving everyone so many coins.
    Hey everyone. This is my Steam Curator Page for reviewing Wario-Like games on Steam:
    Steam Curator: Wario-Likes


    It's almost two years old and I finally thought it was a good idea to plug it here. It started off as a page trying to inform people about games inspired by or shares some elements with Wario Land. Later I decided to add games inspired by WarioWare too (there are a lot more of these on Steam).

    Recently, I got an offer to review "Fishlike" a WarioWare-inspired game. It's pretty good. If you want to give it a follow, I would appreciate it.

    Curator Page: Steam Curator: Wario-Likes
    Steam Group: Steam Community :: Group :: Wario-Likes
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    Reactions: CM30 and NacklesK
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    Cool but why is Sonic Origins here?
    Not really a complaint I just don't know if it makes sense.
    Yellow Pyoro
    Yellow Pyoro
    Yeah, that one is kind of a stretch. I included that one, because of Sonic CD. It was originally just Sonic CD, but they removed it from the store and put in the Sonic Origins collection. Something about the level structure exploration like the maze level reminded me something like a WL3 level. I think I might just remove that one.
    This is just an observation. If you have someone draw Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi from memory, they will get the most details off with Wario.
    I can see it. He's so expressive full of detail and personality.
    This is weird decision by Yacht Club Games, but they are making a special edition of the first Shovel Knight campaign. This is kind of Wario related, because King Knight has to be one of the 20 playable characters.
    We might not have Wario Land, but at least we still get WarioWare games. Donkey Kong fans have been itching for a new mainline DK game (I know Mario vs DK remake came out recently)
    I only played 2 M&L RPGs, but it's too bad there wasn't a M&L game where Wario and Waluigi played some big role as antagonists or playable characters.
    I remember there was a Flash game I played as a kid where it would start off with Mario and Luigi fighting Bowser in Peach's Castle (like basically every M&L) but after that you played as Wario and Walugi fighting Popple if I remember correctly. (My memory is very blurry since I played only one time as a kid and didn't get very far due being bad at the game, lol. If you know what game I'm talking about please tell me its name. Also, it was a sidescroller which is pretty weird but eh... It's Flash)
    Yellow Pyoro
    Yellow Pyoro
    Have you tried looking on That’s the only Mario fan game site I know that is still up.
    Hey ! I just searched "Mario and Lugi flash game" in Google and it popped up. It's called Mario and Lugi Wariance.
    Going to pick up the Super Mario RPG remake tomorrow. It's the game I'm most looking forward to this year.
    Wario's Woods is fun, but trying to beat it is hard.
    The 3rd Wario Brother
    The 3rd Wario Brother
    I've never played the nes one but the snes one is a great game. Only the regular levels get very annoying when you have to boom a monster twice in quick succession and then they wanna stack that with diagonal matches only
    I'm playing WarioWare: Gold again. There's still a lot of collectibles I haven't unlocked yet. I also started playing Shantae: Risky's Revenge yesterday.
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