Hey Robin, you know how if you have two identical sounds playing the same notes at the same time, the delay from one's DAW causes their phasing to get all fucked? I've done a couple things with 8-bit and had this problem-- in particular I remember this recreation I did of Bubble Man, and you know how the first lead is a Square Wave, with that neat kind of effect on its sound as a result of layering.
I was wondering if you knew of any way to combat that besides exporting to mp3 over and over to check up on how the affected area sounds in practice. I've asked Google the same thing before, but I dunno of any way I could get the answers I'm looking for, now that Google results are so cluttered with oh-so-many pages that are mostly unhelpful but contain key words. (If you don't know that's perf. fine, like I said I have that repeated export method I can try : 0})
I'm living in the UK for a few years now, but I'm from Portugal.