Any Wario Land games you were disappointed in?


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
Either because they weren't what you expected from the series, or you feel they didn't work as well as they should have?

There haven't been any like that for me, but I'm curious what other people think here.
Wario Land Shake It is okay but doesn't feel like a worthy successor to 4. The only unique thing it has going for it is it looks pretty.

Lately I've been thinking that it would be nice to see it remastered at least but I kinda doubt they still have all have the original art for that game. All the art in that game was compressed to hell and I doubt it would look good through AI upscaling.
Wario Land Shake It is okay but doesn't feel like a worthy successor to 4. The only unique thing it has going for it is it looks pretty.

Lately I've been thinking that it would be nice to see it remastered at least but I kinda doubt they still have all have the original art for that game. All the art in that game was compressed to hell and I doubt it would look good through AI upscaling.

That's fair. I know quite a few fans were disappointed in Shake It, and felt it didn't have the level of creativity/charm that previous games had,.

And it would be interesting to see it remastered with the original quality assets for sure. They probably do have the assets too, since Nintendo tends to keep literally everything they ever worked on in storage somewhere, as shown by those Nintendo leaks a few years back.
Thirding Shake Dimension. it just wasn't interesting to me. Wario didn't seem as vulgar as he should be (but they definitely kept his looks intact which im happy for because many interpretations of him out of WarioLand make him look ugly when he actually looks really damn good especially for his age).

The characters were also lackluster to me. I mean generic fantasy characters? It feels like a copout compared to Shokora straight up being a tomboy who wears princess clothing and got turned into a stripper-cat, a fucking DEMON in sunglasses, corrupt government official, Pirate (except she does make an appearance in it too), etc etc.

Unpopular opinion but I just...don't like Shake Dimensions art style either. I mean it's factually good but where's the grit you know? The bosses and levels are funky but there's nothing truly crazy like straight up body horror enemies or over the top detail added to the strangest places ever. I dunno, just not my thing, not my Wah.
When I booted up Virtual Boy Wario Land in an emulator so long ago and the game ends in like 27 seconds. I loved it and new game plus helps a great deal here but it's got that Sonic 3 without Knuckles thing going for it, that Wario World thing going for it. Still one of the best ones though
Personally, I waited to have The Shake Dimension before playing WL4 because I heard WL4 was better than it's Wii counterpart. And boy were they right.
My biggest problems with Shake It! are the controls, Wario's physics/movement, and the level design. I don't know how to really describe it, but it doesn't feel that good as the rest of the WL games. I still had fun and the art style looked nice.