Nintendo's 2017 April Fools.
So yesterday Nintendo Badge Arcade released Crazy Galaxy for the Badge Arcade. Let's recap
Basically Nintendo used the Badge Arcade to promote their "New game" titled Crazy Galaxy. It features Ashley, the witch of Warioware in her very own spin-off title. Along side four new characters.
Ashley has changed her staff to the guitar. Baito reiterates that female fighters are scary!
There, they must either fight off Aliens or befriend them. The player decides if Ashley wants to blast them or becomes friends with said Aliens.
Obviously an April Fools prank, says the release is 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The Bunny then comes up and says it is a prank. He goes on to say it might be true if you believe, as if this is a hint towards an actual game if people want it enough is up to debate.
You all know me, I would just love for Ashley to get her own video game title. Funny that Nintendo uses Ashley for a prank, as if they knew people actually want a game about Ashley, thus using her as a prank to get people's hopes up. Maybe one day.
So what are your thoughts? Would you like a game like Crazy Galaxy? maybe an Ashley game in general? For me, in general, If Crazy Galaxy was made into a game I'd most likely love it, though Space Witches? sounds a bit out there, maybe another type of genre.
Extra images of its characters.