I actually really enjoyed Zero, the bit of it I have played. But I wanted to beat RE 1 before I played through it. Sadly Im not sure Ill ever beat it though : p And aw that bites to hear, I was actually looking forward to trying 3. It looked neat : p I might still like it anyway : p And Ive been tempted to get Code Veronica for PS2 before actually, but I still kinda wanna get it for Gamecube instead, so might actually spend the extra 30$ just to get it for my preferred console : p
And yeah Ive read that. Ive actually never even seen RE5 or 6, but Ive heard that everything after 4 is not worth playing, and that the series kinda died there. I also read that they asked American audiences what they wanted in RE for RE4 over Japanese audiences, haha how weird. If thats true, then I guess we can see the difference between Japanese gamers and American gamers.