I was on another forum once, and this forum had a good mix of younger members and older members (and by old I mean actually old, like 50-60). One of the younger members started a thread asking if anyone was a "gamer", one of the older members posted that she was, but she was the only one that mentioned board and card games. Everyone on that forum is polite of course, so everyone engaged her too : p But of course after a while she mentioned that growing up, the term gamer just applied to people who liked games of all kinds. I often think about that, how old people must feel that the term really only applies to video games now : p
And TB100 made a good point I strongly agree with, I dont like the view that the term "gamer" gives to someone, I dont want to be thought of as someone who lives ONLY for video games. Like yap I like them and enjoy them and think theyre neat, but there are so many more things that I like than that, and I dont hold them to be that important. Its just another fun hobby.
I dont consider myself to be "passionate" about video games, I just think theyre neat : p I dont want anyone thinking that video games are my lifes passion : p
I do enjoy some video games though, sure. Right now Im crazy about the Dreamcast. I seem to go through periods of being really into one thing at a time, haha.
And what about the TYPES of gamers. causal gamer, major ledge gamer, Neutral gamer, all that stuff.
I feel silly about the title "casual gamer", like I dont want to tell anyone "Im a causal gamer", it just feels silly : p
I just say "I like some video games, and I sometimes get excited about retro stuff", if anyone asks me if I like video games : p