Ashley Forums


Bucket Head
What the title says.

Some people think I chose it because Im a Batman fan (that Im not) but I have a whole other reason. My friend and I were playing Smash Bros. Brawl. I said that he had to create a name and he chose JOKER. I really liked it and made it a bit different and BOOM. Name for everything since. I also use JoeKarta on some sites.
When I was 5 or something, I liked to play Pokémon stadium. That has when I meet Exeggcute. I stantly feel in love with it.

Fast-fowarding some more years, I was playing Pokémon Platinum. I had this cheat code thing for it, and one of the of the cheats was to make any Pokémon appear in the wild. I dind't know much about Pokémon, so I just picked random Pokémon. While looking at their names, I found one with an very interesting name. It has Exeggcute. So I fough it and stantly remembered it from Pokémon stadium. After that I discovered Bulbapedia and slowly learned more stuff until I became the experienced Pokémon trainer that I am now. All thanks to Exeggcute.

A better love story than Twilight.
If I actually need to explain my username, then evidently you are stupid. :rolleyes:

I go by PigmaskColonel on most other forums. The Pigmask Colonel was (kinda) one of the main antagonists in Mother 3. I like second in command characters. I like Pigmasks. So I'm gonna like the Pigmask Colonel!

It's also sort of because I love this guy called Colonel Vogel from Indiana Jones, but that's a different story...
Final Fantasy 6 is a great game, and the villain in it is named Kefka. It's a pretty easy step from Kefka to K3fka. Chose it because Kefka is often taken, and K3fka is very close, while also unique. If K3fka is not available, K3fka7317 is my backup. The 7317 comes from my user id on SMW Central.
I was making my Youtube account and I didn't know what to call it, So i thought of two random words, Awesome and Cauliflower then I thought of a random number. This is pretty much my name on all forums I go on, DK Vine, Smashboards, this and others like Youtube and Skype. If it doesn't fit it's usually AwesomeCauliflwr (My Nintendo Network and Rockstar Social Club name) or AwesomeCauli (My Minecraft name) I've grown attached to it over the years. I think the only thing I have a different username on is Uplay which is called Happyman11 (Can't even remember why i did that).