If you're talking video game tournaments, I never partook in one.Did you win a tourtament? I mean any tourtament, including unofficial tourtaments.
Well since I was a kid I was a Mario fan and I do like Kirby quite a bit too, though I only played the older games, the only modern one I played was Planet Robobot on 3DS and I didn't finish it yet. For whaever reason I never managed to get hooked on other Nintendo franchise, Zelda never interested me, neither did Metroid or any other franchise. The only one that I kinda want to try out is Punch-Out, it looks pretty fun and I like it's style, I played the SNES game but not the Wii one. (Also, there's DK but I count that as Mario).Do you like more Nintendo franchises besides Wario Land or WarioWare?
As in the release date or when did I get in. Release dat wise, it'd be the Wii and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for GCN. But my first console I had was actually the 3DS and the oldest game would be Super Mario 3D Land. Though, I didn't like it much yet, it wasn't until I got my Wii with Mario Galaxy that I started liking video games.What is the oldest official console you own?
What is the oldest official videogame you own?
Eh... I never really liked Pokémon. The only game I did play a little bit was Pokémon Sword because my brother wanted it so I treid it out and got bored after an hour. I never was an RPG fan anyways, the only ones I like are Mario & Lugi and Paper Mario because I found their battle systems much more interesting.Did you play Game Boy Pokémon Red Version or Pokémon Blue Version?
Did you play Game Boy Pokémon Gold Version or Pokémon Silver Version?
What were your starter Pokémon?
... It's bad. Ok it's not really bad but I just prefer the original. Definetely not a fan. But since Yoshi also seems to be leaning into an older design :What do you think about the new Mario Kart Donkey Kong design for Nintendo Switch 2?
What if they made him physically huge again like in Mario Land 2? He used to tower over Mario.Does that mean we might be getting lazy eye Wario back soon ?
Honestly, I could maybe see it work. Though now he's less of a villain and more of his own character so he isn't supposed to be menacing anymore.What if they made him physically huge again like in Mario Land 2? He used to tower over Mario.
Yes actually, I'm currently making a WarioWare fangame and recently I've had ton of ideas for an original game, though I'll develop that after the WarioWare game so that I properly get used to making games, the WarioWare is easier to code since it doesn't rely on physics, I tried coding physics with a Sonic framework and Wario Land framework but I always have some bugs I find hard to remove. I've wanted to make my own video games since I was a kid, I used to try to make Mario and Sonic games on Scracth (they were mostly scrapped after doing the main menu and title screen lol). Wanting to make my own games is what got me into coding actually.Did you want to be a videogame creator?
It's pretty cool for its time I guess. But the monochrome red palette would really hurt my eyes if I were to play it on real hardware. I did play some games using a 3DS Homebrew emulator called Red Viper (I think), it's really cool and works really well with the stereoscopic 3D effect.What do you think about Virtual Boy the old Nintendo console?
Eh... I don't remember, I learned about him as a kid but I don't remember how.What was your reaction when you seen Mister Game and Watch the first time?
Uhh.... Maybe Sonic's speed, running at extremely fast speeds without running out of breath or throwing up sounds really cool. And in Sonic games, Sonic doesn't even get hurt by running into wall or falling off to the ground so it's all good.Which videogames skills or videogames super powers would you most like to own?
Eh... I wasn't that much into Wario back then so I didn't really care, though I think it's definetely cool that they added him now that I do care about Wario.What was your reaction when you seen Pyoro like WarioWare Get It Together playable character the first time?
Eh... I'd say so. I don't really listen to a lot of music.Do you like old music? Do you like 80' songs?
Maybe... Depends on the type of adventure I guess.Do you would like to live adventures like videogames characters?
I don't read comics anymore but as a kid I did read some like Gafield, Lucky Luke or Asterix and Obelix.Did you read comics? What are your favorite comics?
Unfortunately, I do not. I should really learn to though before I finish highschool.Do you know to cook? What are your favorite foods that you like to cook?
I always do understand what you stay and that's what ultimately matters. Plus, the grammer is correct, though I guess some phrases may seem a little oddly phrased but it's all good. But maybe you shouldn't ask me since I'm not a native English speaker either.My navite laguage is spanish, I am not a very expert for talk in english, do I speak english well?
It's neat that concept for her were found. Though, if I'm being honest I much prefer Waluigi and I'm glad she got cancelled for him. Apart from that I don't care for her.What do you think about Wapeach? (if you don't know her, search in google)
While that would be cool, it may a bit hard to do. Most people wouldn't be able to make mcirogames that are fun to play with all characters. See, to make a mcirogame work with all characters you have to options. Either make the microgame very thought out and balanced or make it really simple. People will usually go for the latter unfortunately.You would like a new WarioWare DIY videogame with characters like WarioWare Get It Together, right?
I played Ultimate. I don't really have a main though, I'm very bad at the game.Did you play Super Smash Bros videogames? What is your Super Smash Bros main?
I'd probably say any food from Mediterranean countries, lol. In these places you've the dishes from the whole Maghreb, Spain, Italy, France, Türkiye, etc.. Really I could name almost any dish form those countries and it be my favorite food, lol.What is your favorite food? (it could be any food)
If you mean snacks, I'm trying to stop eating them. I'm not a fan of chips in general. I also almost never eat at fast food chains anymore, it's been a real long time I haven't ate at McDonalds ro something and to be honest I never liked their food particularly.Do you like some companies foods? (like McDonald's, M&M's or Lay's for example, I mean any companies foods)
I don't celebrate so I'd say nothing special. It was just a normal day for me.How was your last Christmas?
I was a bit sick so unfortunately so my aunt couldn't come unfortunately but other than that it was nothing special.How was your last new year's eve?
That could be cool ! They could get really creative with it too !Do you want an official Waluigi videogame?
Well I can only hope. Lately we've been getting some unexpected games like a new M&L game so Wario Land has a chance ! Especially if Wario is to be the next Mario Movie.Do you believe Nintendo will make a new Wario Land for Nintendo Switch 2?
I'd probably say Wario Land. I love the concepts those games have, they are really creative. Though, every game feels likes it's missing something to go from good to awesome.What do you like more, WarioWare or Wario Land? And why?
I don't really know. I don't how it is to work at Nintendo specifically, to be honest I don't think I'd want to. Maybe for a limited amount of time but not forever until I hit retirement.Would you like to become an official member of Nintendo? Or would you like to be more of an official member of another company?
Eh.... Not particularly. I already have a Wii and I'm sure that if they do add it, they'll make you pay the NSO expansion pack.Do you want GameCube and Wii videogames in Nintendo Switch 2? And why?
From the Mario series: Wario (obviously), Luigi, and some Paper Mario characters such as Dimentio or BobbyWhat are your favorites videogames characters? And why?
I don't play NES games often, I'd say my favorite are Mario Bros. 1 & 3 as well as Kirby's Adventure.Did you play Nintendo Entertainment System videogames? Which Nintendo Entertainment System video game did you like the most?
That'll be really cool, though I don't think I'd buy one.Do you want a new Nintendo 64 Mini console or a new Game Boy Color Mini console? I mean like Super Nintendo Mini console or Famicom Mini console.