Nitwit in the house!

Drawing with a tablet is very different than drawing with paper...unless it's one of those tablets that has a screen. If you have a scanner you can scan stuff you draw on paper.
Oh, well both are expensive. I'm just saying that although I may not look like it I have some experience with different art techniques.
Goodness me. I get here a little late, and I come to see three pages. Well, welcome! I'm King Hehehe, one of the people Kyon mentioned as being nice. You seem to be a pleasant guy, so I'm sure it'll be good to have you around. I hope you enjoy your stay!
Yeah, okay. Well, point is I need myself a drawing tablet so drawing can be a bit easier for me. I need to take some Ashley drawing lessons. My mom knows how much I love to draw on my 3ds with Art programs.
Hello! I'm semi-active here, checking in when I feel like it or have some extra time. You'll probably see my posts in some places, especially in older threads and at people's profiles!
Hello! I'm semi-active here, checking in when I feel like it or have some extra time. You'll probably see my posts in some places, especially in older threads and at people's profiles!
Cool. I seen you on the forums before. You seemed smart and cute for a star. :3
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Latest to the party... Damn, why am I always late to greet people here?

...I mean, uh... Welcome! huehuehuehue
I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here. Most everyone is kind and will be excited to have a new member! ^_^