Pro Wrestling thread

Geeesh, did you pay for shipping?

Would like to see what he has to say, though. I know hes not real big on WCW, though I cant blame him : p Has to be better than anything Chris Jericho has to say, anyway : p


i got this

this is the wrestling game to end all wrestling games, right

Think youll ever make Youtube videos for this game? : p
Shipping was normal shipping price. Just utterly confused as to why it shipped from there since the seller is based in the US.
Kinda wish this thread wouldnt die : p

Does anyone have any dream matches? A match between certain wrestlers that hasnt happened?

Ive always wanted to see Sting v The Rock, believe it or not : p They were both like the faces of their promotions at one time, and I always thought the two had such conflicting personas that it would make for a really great match.

I wouldnt really even mind if Sting were the bad guy, and The Rock were the good guy. Though Sting as a bad guy never feels believeable. (The Rock can make a good bad guy, though : p)

I also always wanted to see DDP v Steve Austin : p I always thought theyd make a really good rivalry : p
(Pretty much all my dream matches would be WCW guys v WWF guys : p)
You know, some people put down Buff Bagwell, but I always thought he was a good wrestler. He has a good personality like on the mic and junk, and though not totally the most creative, he had a good gimmick I think. He was definitely fun to watch. Yeah he wasnt even known until he joined NWO but still, I liked him.

I kinda feel bad for him with what happened in WWE. Like the him and Booker T being booed thing by WWE fans (thanks for ruining the continuation of Nitro and making way for the raw and smackdown thing guys > : / ) I mean its not that I dont understand, it was a WWE show, and the two shows were always trying to make the other look bad, as a kid, if some WWE guys had a match in the WCW arena, even though I actually liked WWE too, I could see myself being dumb and joining in with the booing. But I dont think he deserved that : /

And haha, pffft Ive posted here a few times hoping for some kinda activity : p
When it comes to some of these old forgotten super stars like buff bagwell or booker t or even some one as mundane as virgil/vincent they don't really make the cut sadly. Personally it'd still be great if some of them were to come back like certain legends, just seeing old grandpas' duke it out would be fantastic, or just seeing wrinkly mcmahon come back and wrestle again just for laughs.
Personally it'd still be great if some of them were to come back like certain legends, just seeing old grandpas' duke it out would be fantastic, or just seeing wrinkly mcmahon come back and wrestle again just for laughs.

Haha, its not always so great to see old legends come back again actually-

You're right, Mike " loud mouth "Sharpe should really be his name not iron. He works his mouth way more than pulling moves. After that you also get amazing slow luchador man and lovely old lady fights hah this is amazing. Iron Sheik is still the man, check his tweets too.

Haha yeah I thought that was humorous too : p And guess what? My mom actually ran across that dvd too, and thought Id like to have it, so I actually have that dvd somewhere : p (She knows I like "old school" pro wrestling and apparently thats what she thought it was : p )
He has alot of cool videos, too. Wrestling with Wregret. He has alot of funny things to say about it : p

And haha, wow that grammar : p I wonder if he does that on purpose : p
Oh that's pretty neat your mom also has old school wrestling dvds as well. Stuff from the 70s and below seem really weird atleast comparing it to the hyper action 80s and what we have now on WWE. Will check out those vids by him as well he is very informative especially with this review well idk if this was a review or not haha but it was very detailed in going how the fights were. Iron Sheik hah, if he does it on purpose or not he's still one of the greatest guys ever and would definitely drink with him while he blasts about hating hogan all night.
Well he is in his 70s as of now he pretty much is a wacko. Everyone still loves him and his crazy twitter antics.
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There can only be one shieky baby! Or maybe for the latest LoZ installment Zelda will transform into the iron sheik and break Ganon's back.
Heres a really good and informative video on why wrestling will never be good ever again-

rip wrestling ; _ ;

I keep forgetting about this thread.

That was a pretty cheesy rip-off of Hey, Joe : p I miss WCW themes, haha. They were way neat. Old WWF themes, too. I really hate this new trend of just buying licensed pop music for wrestlers themes, I wish theyd make their own again.
For preferences I'd say I tend to like WWE more, since when I grew up the height of the wrestling era was more shifted to WWE. So I have fond memories of that or well when it was called WWF, my favourite match was when Mankind(Mick Foley) won the belt, it was hilarious especially since his build wasn't that of normal wrestlers. He looked like an average joe and for him to win the belt was amazing it's so unexpected. So I'd say I'd stick with WWF/WWE

The only match I remember in WCW though was when Robocop saved Sting.
Awww, you too, huh? Im the lone wcw fan of the forum : p And haha yeah Robocop, what a memorable part of wcw history that was : p

And haha yeah, Mankind was an awesome wrestler, hes one of my favorite wwf guys : p they were smart with making him somebody, definitely : p I loved his theme, too : p Late 90s wwf was great yeah. I actually kinda liked (very) early 2000s wwe too, though. But think I only watched until like 2001 though : p (triple h was still the champ when I stopped watching : p )