I should say that the Japanese original is more ambiguous, but still implies the same thing, either way, despite my love for Arle x Sig I will admit that it is pretty cute even more so in the more blatant localized version and heck, while I'm not as big on Amitie x Sig as I used to be I still find quite a lot of appeal in it.Besides, being a Arle x Sig fan is nothing but suffering anyway.
Yeah, I'll be honest. I was admittedly a little wary to mention it around you. I know you don't hate Amitie x Sig, and I didn't want to annoy you by bringing it up, but I just felt like I HAD to mention it. Partially because if I remember correctly, PPT is the first time(?) that Amitie x Sig has been blatantly (or as close as "blatantly" gets) hinted to be a thing in-universe. Well, at the most, Amitie being implied to have a thing for Sig. That being said, I MAY have internally "squeed" a bit at Amitie's "sort-of confession".
Also, maybe it's just me, but I find something oddly precious about Sig calling her just Ami as a nickname, I hope that get's kept for potential future localizations.
I know, right? I feel the same way. There's something about it that just seems...REALLY sweet. I also hope it gets kept around in the future. Speaking of which, has anyone noticed that in the the 'A' trio ends up facing the 'S' trio, of which are all implied love interests? (Arle x Schezo/Amitie x Sig/Ringo x Maguro)...
That and even trying to write original dialogue for them is a headache and a half, trust me I know from experience, hope you enjoy horrible puns ala' ''grave mistake'' or ''ghost of a chance''!
Either that or just bring Strange Klug back in a meaningful way, part of that is my bias talking since he is my favorite Puyo villain and 4th favorite character next to Sig, Schezo and Arle, but I do think that he has a lot going for him that has never been truly capitalized on.
Yeah. S.K. really should return. After seeing playthroughs of Fever 2, I can safely say that S.K. has more than enough potential to be a thing again for the series. Heck, the Fever-era doesn't even have a recurring antagonist like the Madou-era (Satan) and PP7 (Ecolo).
I think I may have seen that one before, not bad variation of an existing artwork, but I think this original piece is cooler:
Hmm...comparing them side by side...
Personally, I'm loving this art of her Dominatrix look, but I guess the second one really does seem to emphasize Succubus' "sultry side", doesn't it? Honestly, looking at it ow, I'm even more bothered that Succubus' Compile-era look has been (mostly) removed. Still, I should mention that if the 5th Drama CD is any indication, the Dominatrix look hasn't been COMPLETELY dropped by SEGA. BTW, two things.
1) I always had the notion that Succubus is the Incubus' older twin sister.
2) Remember our headcanons on Sig and Maguro? I feel like there'd be something interesting done with Succubus. I don't know what it is, but SOMETHING interesting would be done between them and her.
Schezo : ''I want your...power!''
Sig : ''No thanks.'' *just leaves*
Schezo : ''I would never rub you the wrong way!''
Sig : ''What?'' ''Please...just don't.''
Schezo : ''Now give me your hand!''
Sig : ''Oh boy.'' Yeah, I don't know about that.'' ''I'd rather not.''
Can I just say that I utterly adore how much the writing and voice acting in the localization make the already blunt Sig sound like a outright mildly snarky smart-ass? Because I do.
You're not the only one. Heck, that's what I practically CHERISH about PPT's official English translation. Sig isn't the only one SEGA of America did justice.
Ringo's overall wit feels more "natural" in English now.
Amitie herself seems to "translate better" in the West than in Fever's English version (though I hope they bring back "Get really real!!" and "Wicked!!").
Satan's antics are even MORE hilarious (ESPECIALLY a cutscene you'll find in Chapter 10, with Ex witnessing it firsthand. It has to be seen to be believed, that's for sure)
The cutscene with Schezo and Rulue feels like more justice was done for it in the English version of PPT
Risukuma and Maguro feel more as members of the bigger story than they did in Japanese, and much, MUCH more.
The one thing I wish was done was to give Arle (as much as I LOVE her) just a bit more of a distinction from Amitie and Ringo. She's still more than excellent in the English version, but if they gave her the characterization she had in Minna, that would have fully sold her on me.