
I think it's just a feature that broke over time with a forum update. If you look closely multiple people made items but if you look at users with most items it's only these 2:

I'm not sure when it broke since it was a feature that was quickly forgotten as people mostly just used it make joke "items" then quickly moved on from it and so no one noticed when it broke.
I think it's just a feature that broke over time with a forum update. If you look closely multiple people made items but if you look at users with most items it's only these 2:
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I'm not sure when it broke since it was a feature that was quickly forgotten as people mostly just used it make joke "items" then quickly moved on from it and so no one noticed when it broke.
I honestly have no idea how I even have one item B)
That does answer some things and is very unfortunate, I was thinking some temprary items that could be cool and I have ideas how to make
them wario thieme; (idk why I keep calling them badges instead of items but)
1) Mostly emoticons in reference to the wario games we are missing that aren't just for free but rather you have to earn to be able to use
2) Temporary badges that prevent the first person who tries to rob you from robbing you for a couple days to a weeks time
(like wario hearts or something that grants wario immunity, maybe the hearts could be drained each person who tries to rob)
3) A temp and perma badge for being able to tell the next certain number of people who rob you
4) Unlockable animated profile picture
5) Addictional Wario/ware-Based mood unlocks (Feeling groovy and its jimmy t) (Feeling psychadelic and its jimmy p) (Feeling spaced out and its orbulon) (Gaming and its 9volt) (Making music and its 8volt) etc etc
6) An item/s that is one time use to remove the status effects people have given you which correlate to what fixes wario's transformations in the game
HEINOUS) items that you can gift for heinous effects, such as wario bombs that have either a countdown based on how many people gifted
or they have time limit and people have to keep gifting them to each other or their profile gets an effect in correlation to the item
and a notice on their profile "this user has been ______'d (bombed, or some of them can be various wario enemies that make wario change form)
potentially changing their music for a short time to the sound fx or theme of that transformed wario)
example: vampire bat/zombie/