so how is the- "SHUT UP STIMPY!"
i can see how people who havent played (or even have played) metroid prime can find the controls confusing; if you've played an fps and suddenly switch to this, you gonna have a bad time. unless your master reviewer hexie S;D
The presentation reminds me of Metroid Prime Hunters but as far as that goes it looks very generic. It seems better if you had friends whom you can play with than rather by yourself.
i wish it was an improved version of hunters. just take the multiplayer, increase the max number of players, tweak and balance the game modes, and PLEASE leave the bots in, and you got a good multiplayer. oh, and be able to turn respawn on and off.
i wish it was an improved version of hunters. just take the multiplayer, increase the max number of players, tweak and balance the game modes, and PLEASE leave the bots in, and you got a good multiplayer. oh, and be able to turn respawn on and off.

Having it be an updated Metroid Prime Hunters or a successor of sorts would be nice, fixing bugs and multiplayer issues it had. Seems like we'll have to try it and see.
The troops for Federation Force are the same or similar to the ones you see in Metroid Prime Echoes which is neat.
@Kyon There's last Metroid game was 6 years ago and the last good Metroid game was 8 years ago. Nobody asked for a game like Federation Force, especially since it doesn't have the feels and look of a Metroid game. It's also being used to celebrate the 30th Anniversary which got everyone mad since it isn't a proper Metroid game. Granted people that isn't IGN or the Reddit page seem to like it.
Oh, just like what's been going on with Paper Mario. The last paper Mario was 4 years ago and the last "good" paper Mario was 12 years ago. Well now I can see where these people are coming from, though I don't care where the PM series is going since I liked sticker star.
No no, I too love SPM more than TTYD, just due to the gameplay style and all the funny and cool characters. Mimi is a favorite of mine from Paper Mario, I also love Bowser in those games...though he didn't even talk in sticker star which I found kind of dull, hopefully they bring back the funny Bowser in colour splash.
I love Dimentio, I dunno, I just really like villain characters more. Though I really do hope that the characters are good in Colorado Splash, because as of now, I don't like the whole Toad only.

I'm gonna be going to sleep in like 10 minutes since I got stuff to do.
Like drawing Ashley fanart? Anyways, I really dislike Dimentio for reasons such as trying to kill count bleck and trying to kill Luigi. LUIGI FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. He was also annoying to deal with when he was in those many mirrors, lol.

I don't really mind the toad only paper Mario, this bothers everyone for some reason. Like, what if colour Splash did have all these different characters again, would Colour splash be hated or loved? or still be hated for the battle system?