You know him. You love him. He's everything you could ask for in a bird, in a character--
in a friend.
And yet... here we stand. Pyoro™ is not a playable character.
Now, sure. Pyoro™ has had his slice of the limelight in a few of his own minigames.
Surely we all remember such classics as "Pyoro™", "Pyoro™ 2", "Pyoro™ R", "Pyoro™ T", "Pyoro™ S". "Bird & Beans™", and his most recent title, "Bird™."
Seeing a list like that, the uninformed individual may stop and question,
"Hey, wait a honkin' sec' 'ere. That's a whoppin' seven Pyoro™ games! How can y'say 'e ain't playable?"
My friend. My dear, ignorant, worthless friend. It is one thing to play as Pyoro™.
It is another thing entirely... to PLAY as Pyoro™.
We need standalone titles. We need lead roles in spinoffs, kart racers, fighters.
We need Pyoro™ collections. Pyoro™ themes.
In theory, a few years from now, I should have an iTunes playlist dedicated to gigabytes of Pyoro™ music.
This thread, thereby, is dedicated to the support, and discussion, of Pyoro™ as a playable character.
Share the love. Post the love. Feel the love.
Send it all Pyoround the World.
"Pyon pyon! Help me find these beans!"