Unpopular Video Game Opinions

I find the Descent series far more exciting than Doom. I also think ClayFighter is just as competent as any other 90's fighting game series. (It's not as polished, but it was an excellent alternative if you prefer bizarre clay warriors instead of boring humans who take themselves too seriously)
@Angler of Lake Asparagus Wooh dude yeah Clayfighter although not polished it still I feel competes decently with stuff like Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct, and Guilty Gear. Quite a lot of fun as well, the crazy characters make it more funny which is something we don't get a lot with a ton of fighting games.

Not sure what the Descent series is but if Doom is on there then it's gotta be a game of the same genre. Should look it up, Speaking of Doom, Wolfenstein. Yeah another cool ID Software game.
@Angler of Lake Asparagus Wooh dude yeah Clayfighter although not polished it still I feel competes decently with stuff like Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct, and Guilty Gear. Quite a lot of fun as well, the crazy characters make it more funny which is something we don't get a lot with a ton of fighting games.

Not sure what the Descent series is but if Doom is on there then it's gotta be a game of the same genre. Should look it up, Speaking of Doom, Wolfenstein. Yeah another cool ID Software game.

Speaking of ClayFighter, Interplay did the 3DO version of Wolfenstein 3D which I love. It's funny, because I just posted the 3DO soundtrack for it in the Game Music thread.

Descent was another Interplay franchise from the 90's. A unique 1st-person shooter where you flew a ship through a maze of corridors and caverns, deeper and deeper, blowing up mining robots and droids that had malfunctioned. It was really impressive back in 1994, because you could turn your ship at any angle and play the game world upside-down, on the side, etc. It was loaded with secrets and exploration. (The video below is rather bland, but it gives you an idea)

I love how just by the music you can tell it definitely is an Interplay game. Some of these games made by this developer I'm just finding out as well, it's play style is almost reminiscent to stuff like StarFox as well, it seems really fun just flying around in Doom-like mazes and the music is also pretty good. This must have been intense for it's time since it came out in 94 predating even StarFox 64.
I love how just by the music you can tell it definitely is an Interplay game. Some of these games made by this developer I'm just finding out as well, it's play style is almost reminiscent to stuff like StarFox as well, it seems really fun just flying around in Doom-like mazes and the music is also pretty good. This must have been intense for it's time since it came out in 94 predating even StarFox 64.

Yeah, Interplay were definitely one of the most ambitious developers of the 90's (along with Rare). It's probably obvious by now, but they're actually my all-time favourite developer/publisher. Even now I'm still discovering stuff they worked on back when they were alive and at their best.

Descent's music is actually better than this. They made multiple versions of the soundtrack for different platforms (their Playstation port had some awesome heavy rock!)

I'm really glad to find another fan of both Rare and Interplay, I grew up with a ton of games they've made or have had experience with. If it's EWJ, or Boogerman or Clayfighter on the Interplay side and DKC series, DK64, Banjo-Kazooie series, Conker these really fun games I have fond memories of. You gotta love the humor these two developers had as well. They treated games as something I think many people forget what they're really about having fun and not making things super serious all the time. It's why the DKC series had a lot of funny as well as sometimes serious moments that worked well with it.

On PS1 it sounds much better, much like the EWJ soundtrack in the PS1. This is just due to the PS1 being better hardware naturally. Love how it sounds on PS1 though.
I'm really glad to find another fan of both Rare and Interplay, I grew up with a ton of games they've made or have had experience with. If it's EWJ, or Boogerman or Clayfighter on the Interplay side and DKC series, DK64, Banjo-Kazooie series, Conker these really fun games I have fond memories of. You gotta love the humor these two developers had as well. They treated games as something I think many people forget what they're really about having fun and not making things super serious all the time. It's why the DKC series had a lot of funny as well as sometimes serious moments that worked well with it.

On PS1 it sounds much better, much like the EWJ soundtrack in the PS1. This is just due to the PS1 being better hardware naturally. Love how it sounds on PS1 though.

Yeah, I totally agree! ;)
I never could have imagined I would find a fellow fan of all that Interplay/Rare stuff when I joined WarioForums, but here we are! Haha.
You're dead right. Those two companies had a huge funny bone when it came to video games, and we don't see enough of their style anymore.

In fact, Interplay were jokers in real life and it really showed in their games. Here's a silly parody of Rescue 911 they made in their glory days in 1994....

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im gonna go for the prize:
MOBA's and MMO games are overrated as hell. mainly, im referring to the companies that make them, as there are probably literally millions of games that fall into this category. nearly all of them are "oh, you thought i was a free game? you need a drink. a digital drink that you need to progress, which cost digital money. which cost real money" or "oh, you lost again? well maybe if you had better weapons..." and dont usually have the gameplay to backup why anyone would dedicate real money to the game. and even the ones that are good usually appeal to a specific audience or take a huge chunk of time to get into (if you dont believe me, play League or DOTA). and then theres the online aspect. even though the focus is social multiplayer, some of the communities are notorious for being obnoxious and awful (but then again this is the internet, where people can get away with being dicks). oh, and lets not get into the armor schemes :p

actually, im not sure if this is even unpopular, its probably split down the middle, but im going for it anyway :SPopcorn
Well, it may be ruining any chances at womens wrestling (or women in general) being taken seriously, as well as ruining any women that dont fit the mold of being "sexy" chances of being a wrestler, but hell, if it makes money and some people enjoy who can say its wrong, right?

Thank goodness we have pervs out there to defend turning women into sex objects and pushing for acceptance for men to think with nothing more than their genitals! How can I be unhappy about that, its making money and people are enjoying it!!!
You cant argue with that!!!

Oh for music in games, although I often end up liking a more rock themed song in my games, most of the time when like playing a JRPG or whatever, when I hear like electric guitar kick in, I often feel disappointed : p It can be kinda off putting, like taking you out of the fantasy of the game.
I don't care what anyone says this is the cutest thing ever! Still game related.

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Ive actually seen that same picture of that axolotl like 100 times now by a friend with an odd interest in strange sea creatures : p

I dunno if this is unpopular or not, but I have been playing xbox a bit here and there, I have three games for it I have really gotten into, and I really liked them a ton but they just became way too freaking hard. Like even normal battles often ended up being like boss fights. I felt like it ruined the pacing of the game, took away from the story and aafter a while just made the game felt tired and uninteresting.

I dunno who is demanding games to be harder and harder, but I really hate it : p An rpg should be an story that you totally became absorbed into, if I wanted to play a game with an insane challenge that you had to do over and over again until you got it right, Id play a game like Ninja Gaiden or something : p
Its not that I dont ever want a challenge at all ever, but leave the hard parts for the important boss fights, other than that keep regular battles light but enjoyable. Its not fun when a fight with a bat and rat takes half an hour and all of my freaking healing items, just to have to do it again in the next five minutes : p
Ive actually seen that same picture of that axolotl like 100 times now by a friend with an odd interest in strange sea creatures : p

I dunno if this is unpopular or not, but I have been playing xbox a bit here and there, I have three games for it I have really gotten into, and I really liked them a ton but they just became way too freaking hard. Like even normal battles often ended up being like boss fights. I felt like it ruined the pacing of the game, took away from the story and aafter a while just made the game felt tired and uninteresting.

I dunno who is demanding games to be harder and harder, but I really hate it : p An rpg should be an story that you totally became absorbed into, if I wanted to play a game with an insane challenge that you had to do over and over again until you got it right, Id play a game like Ninja Gaiden or something : p
Its not that I dont ever want a challenge at all ever, but leave the hard parts for the important boss fights, other than that keep regular battles light but enjoyable. Its not fun when a fight with a bat and rat takes half an hour and all of my freaking healing items, just to have to do it again in the next five minutes : p
goodness, which game were you playing?
So Ive gotten myself a copy of Final Fantasy 7 for Playstation for my birthday a few weeks ago. And I have alot to say about it : p

It is a good game, a really good game actually. I enjoyed it a bunch tbh. I think its really great and fun. I like the overworld and some of the characters. Overall its a really good jrpg.

But I have memories growing up with this game, with how much it was hailed to be the greatest game ever made. And even the case says things like "possibly the greatest game ever made" and "the greatest story of any video game" and whatever. But I gotta say, that is just not true : p I mean, anyone who knows me knows I loved Chrono Trigger. I think Chrono Trigger had a better story than FF7 : p I think its an overall better game than FF7 : p And its not that I hate FF7, its a great game too. But they really oversold that game, I mean being the first 3d FF game, youd think it was the first well thought out one too, with a story and well written characters. But its not, its not at all : p I dont even really consider it one of the "best" jrpgs to exist : p really think its a case of the excitment of the first 3d FF game along with people remembering their favorite game growing up fondly : p

(And before someone makes that comparison to OoT, Id argue that OoT was actually innovative and impacted every 3d zelda game since its release, and was just as much a milestone as SM64, where FF7 is pretty much just FF in 3 dimensions and wasnt really innovative or even the first 3d jrpg)

In other news, I have a copy of Dragon QUest 8 a coworker loaned me for PS2, have always wanted to try it so am excited : p
Unless we somehow get Roll alongside Mega Man and Ms. Pac-Man alongside Pac-Man, I'm not willing to accept ANOTHER Sonic rep in Smash like some people I see are for some reason.

...I'm just sayin'.