Unpopular Video Game Opinions

Funny considering I don't like the original Mega Man and compare it to Metroid 1 quite a bit with it's flaws.
I don't think either of those opinions are particularly unpopular lol. While they are respected for their legacy they are not viewed as the best examples of their respective series.
I think half the tracks in Mario Kart 64 are either mediocre or bad. Rainbow Road is 4+ minutes of driving on a straight road with really long and slow turns.
However, Mario Raceway is one of the best Mario Circuit type of tracks I've played.
I think half the tracks in Mario Kart 64 are either mediocre or bad. Rainbow Road is 4+ minutes of driving on a straight road with really long and slow turns.
However, Mario Raceway is one of the best Mario Circuit type of tracks I've played.

I think Mario Kart 64 is all bad, the worst of the series. Bad controls, bland tracks, ugly graphics (compared to Mario 64), unfair difficutly. The only good thing, which is probably one of the best in the whole franchise, is the soundtrack.
Why couldn't Smash 4 Mario's model have looked like this...?

It's like Brawl detailing but actually colorful and happy. It's admitably my favorite model of the character I've seen.
Mario wasn't really ever supposed to be realistic. I really like his graphics in Mario Kart 8. Of course, it would be nice to see a graphical upgrade with the NX as long as Mario's graphics didn't look like real life. It wouldn't be the same.
It's not about how much detail, it's the type of detail. There's realistic detail and cartoony detail.