Unpopular Video Game Opinions

Interesting. Can I ask why you like Mario more? Nintendo doesn't tend to give him as much characterization.
I just prefer his unbridled optimism to Luigi's worrywart complex. I know Nintendo has neglected to go in depth with Mario's character, but I really like some of his lines in the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series and Fortune Street to a lesser extent that gives him a almost deadpan snarker-like vibe.
Kinda why I want Mario to have more dialogue in his games. Even just in the RPG's would be nice. Not that Silent protagonists are a bad thing but they feel pretty overused these days. And hey, Sonic talks in his games and even Pac-Man was allowed to talk once... With a good voice actor.

But then again that was in 2005. The new voice Pac-Man has is dreadful thanks to the personality they somehow thought was "charming".
Sonic was originally intended to have a very distinct personality, so it's not surprising that he's fully voiced. Nintendo seems pretty intent on keeping Mario a relatively blank slate, so I'm not sure that'll happen anytime soon, even though he definitely does have enough of a personality to expand on. I kinda wish they would expand on it, though.
I absolutely loved the way Mario acted in TTYD, I think he was done perfectly in that game. He still had responses and personality, but at the same time kept that "silent hero" thing going on. I liked him in that game.
On the subject of Mario having more personality, I agree that the RPGs pretty much manage to keep him silent while being able to show personality in some way, as well as just being able to choose how he acted.

Yeah that was great. Examples of not so great ways of expanding on characters including outside of video games is "Excuuuuuuse me, Princess" Link from the 80s cartoon and Samus "The Baby" Aran.
I dunno which is worse, CDi Link or Cartoon Link.
Also this just reminded me of a rather funny response I saw on a gaming forum:
Anybody who uses the CDI games as an excuse to why Zelda shouldn't have voice acting is wrong and stupid.


We'll use Metroid Other M as an example instead.
I'm not too fond of the shift towards more "real" sounding music. While I understand previously music programmers had to be creative with making music due to console limitations, video game music doesn't sound as distinct anymore. I even miss fake orchestra music. Real orchestrated music I think is overused.
I'm not too fond of the shift towards more "real" sounding music. While I understand previously music programmers had to be creative with making music due to console limitations, video game music doesn't sound as distinct anymore. I even miss fake orchestra music. Real orchestrated music I think is overused.

I like having a healthy mix of the two, actually. Like the more simplified keyboard stuff and midi instruments and junk for normal stuff, then for like bigger things and more meaningful moments, have more orchestral music. I like having them both really.

One thing I hate though, singing in video games. Please, no singers. It reminds me Im playisng a game, and causes me to lose that whole "getting lost in a game" feeling. Its cool for things like intros and end credits, but in game its distracting.
OMG, you are kidding? It's the most memorable thing about Mario Kart 8, the music was amazing and well done. Everything was remixed just right! then again this is unpopular opinions, but it isn't super very unpopular opinions!
It has to be the most unpopular opinion I've ever head, you are the first person to complain about the music in the game. Not even this girl who was hating everything about this game admitted to liking the music a lot.

So if you hate jazz and awesome music from Nintendo you must hate Mario 3d world's music, eh?
You're quick to judge.

I didn't say I disliked the music I just said I didn't like the style of it as much as the music in previous games. I probably shouldn't have said "forgettable", what I meant to say was "less memorable" compared to previous games' music. While I do think the game's music is well done it just overall sounds less distinct than previous games. Every previous game had their own memorable style.