Unpopular Video Game Opinions

What do you think of that song? I bet Nintendo will be like that in the year 2030, that's probably my unpopular opinion.

Nintendo music should sound dubstep-ish like the music I just linked.
I don't think the song is dubstep, It's dubstep-ish as far as I can tell. The extended part at the end there was added to make the song longer, take that out and you have yourself Nintendo's new music style!
Dubstep now is dying out from what I can tell, whatever music would be relevant in the future hope it ain't dubstep.

And its about time, too > : /

And I have not played many recent games, actually. So I dont really have a good understanding of the current convo. I can say that I dont feel like the current generation of gaming is all that exciting though : p I just dont really care atm.
I see a lot of people give the DS Zelda games a lot of flak.
Especially the collectathon aspect, but as a handheld zelda game you can't expect something such as oot, or wind waker to be in it.
Really loved Linebeck's character, he developed so well as a companion to Link. Plus he went from being a pussy to super manly in one fight.
Definitely liked the collecting aspects of Minish Cap as well such as collecting enemy and boss figures and statues as well as those key stones. Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks get a lot of negative feedback even though I think they were solid games.
I see a lot of people give the DS Zelda games a lot of flak.
Especially the collectathon aspect, but as a handheld zelda game you can't expect something such as oot, or wind waker to be in it.
Really loved Linebeck's character, he developed so well as a companion to Link. Plus he went from being a pussy to super manly in one fight.
Definitely liked the collecting aspects of Minish Cap as well such as collecting enemy and boss figures and statues as well as those key stones. Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks get a lot of negative feedback even though I think they were solid games.

Ive only played them a little, but I hated the gameplay. Like I dont like using the stylus on the touch screen to do everything, it gets in the way of my vision and distracts me from the game, which I dont like when playing a game.

CMV would really like you, though : p

(and geeesh potty mouth)
Off the subject, This may sound odd but I'm always confused of how Nintendo, Sega and Capcom get boycotted. ((And don't get me wrong, I think they deserve some flack for some of the recent stuff they did like Paper Mario : Color Splash for instance.)) yet Namco Bandai always seems to be this unacceptable target despite being one I know has been ignoring certain longtime fans for years. They have a bunch of IPs they are simply living off of nostalgia ports and doing nothing else with, People are begging for Klonoa to return with no avail and Pac-Man's ruined image needs no introduction.

Nobody asked him to be rebooted, either. People were waiting for a fourth installment in the Pac-Man World series basically.

Mind you I do not support boycotting of companies. ((unless it's Konami, as they can go to hell at this point.))
Ive only played them a little, but I hated the gameplay. Like I dont like using the stylus on the touch screen to do everything, it gets in the way of my vision and distracts me from the game, which I dont like when playing a game.

CMV would really like you, though : p

(and geeesh potty mouth)

Yeah my English is very rough you can ask Magma about that, It's quite hard for me not to speak or type English without using curse words.

I can see where people wouldn't like the gameplay since on the Nintendo DS everything also looked choppy from a bird's eye view. As well as how the DS LoZ games you're confined to specific areas more so in spirit tracks where in the overworld you can't even travel in any direction(which most people disliked).
Its just the way the game is played with me : p Id probly like it if I could use the control pad like a normal game : p

And ah Ive never played ST, but that sounds awful yeah.
Yes SP in the overworld it is not like any other zelda you're confined to literally train tracks and you have to go in the direction the game wants you too. So essentially there is no overworld in SP. Yeah I see what you mean, part of the problem is also the limitations of the DS, it really wasn't good hardware for 3D games themselves. Which is why a lot of 2D games end up looking much better such as Castlevania Order of Ecclesia or Shonen Jump Ultimate Stars.