Yikes Spike
Not related with Wreck it Ralph.
I have always thought of Rat Fink being an inspiration to the creation of Wario.

FINK RAT!!!I have always thought of Rat Fink being an inspiration to the creation of Wario.
I was sitting on the couch staring into space when it occured to me, How much is Wario packing down there? Is it long or short? Thin or Thicc? who knows, its an enigma. That's why i'm so curious.
Does anyone else get peeved that, at least on the internet, it seems that Waluigi is more liked than Wario? I've mellowed out with my dislike for Waluigi but even so he's only really funny in the Camelot games. In most other games he's just there.
I mean my issue isn't that Waluigi gets attention but that he gets more attention than someone who has a lot more to his name like Wario.As contradictory as it may seem with this username, actually not. I like Waluigi, and I wish he was given a more developed personality. He has potential, but I agree with you on the ¨he doesn't do that much¨ thing.
I mean my issue isn't that Waluigi gets attention but that he gets more attention than someone who has a lot more to his name like Wario.
Funnily enough, if you type wario.com on your URL a casino site will show up.I've always wondered what Wario's net worth is.
I wonder how much of the Waluigi love is actually genuine and how much is ironic because of his meme status.
I've also said it before that, like you said, he has potential, just like Daisy, but as long as Nintendo doesn't care about his character, why should I?
I want the Wario version of this:
Since 3d capturing is a thing I wouldn't mind if they make a model out of this: