What are your greatest phobias?


What you see is what you get, just a guy...
Let's be honest here most if not all of us have our phobias
Whatever if it comes from something minor or something that can be genuinely terrifying,
Whatever it is, it just scares the crap out of us and makes us freak the hell out. Lemme start.

My biggest phobia is by far falling,
Ever since I was a little child, I've been terrified of falling from a long distance and while it has certainly tamed as I gotten older, I still have that fear in me, (Don't ever get me to skydive or some shit like that.)

And another fear is flying bugs, (Ground Bugs don't bother me as much.) I don't care if they don't bite or sting or whatever.
If there's a bug flying around me, or some shit like that, then i'm just gonna nope the hell out of there or pray that it doesn't get close to me. And if a bug suddenly decides it wants to get close to me.
giphy (4).gif

So now I want to know, what's your greatest phobias?

Comment away!!!!!
Claustrophobia, I would hate to be crushed to death or trapped in a wall or waking up inside a coffin with no escape or during an earthquake a building falls on me and i'm too deep in th concrete and someday they build another building over my corpse or being compressed in some sort of machine or die Sally.EXE style. You get the idea.
I use to have a phobia of spider but I've conquered that. Other than that, I have two phobias left to tackle.

The first phobia is falling. I have a fear of falling and have had this fear ever since I was eight. I never went on elavators or stairs that reached more than one floor. There was even a time my parents threatened me in public to convince me I was just hard headed. Dizzyness tends to be common for me when I'm high(in the sky of course). It's not the fact that I'm high, it's the fact that falling will kill me.

My second phobia is sinking; and all the same reasons as to why I am afraid of falling. I have almost died countless times to sinking underwater. It's just another form!
Heights, I guess. Jumping off high heights that is, if I'm completely fine I'll enjoy the view but if I have to jump, say a pool my heart starts racing and I often chicken out from jumping.